Eligibility Requirements
Key Responsibilities
- AACT member
- Current or former K–12 teacher of chemistry
- Leads strategic planning efforts
- Represents AACT at events
- Facilitates board meetings and teleconferences
- Serves as an ex-officio member of the Nominating & Awards committee
- Liaises with AACT Program Director to develop meeting agendas
- Updates AACT members on board activities
- Writes pdates for AACT members on Governing Board activities through the school year
- Submits an annual report to the ACS Board of Directors
Three-year term, as part of presidential succession
- AACT member
- Current or former K–12 teacher of chemistry
- Leads internal planning efforts
- Learns responsibilities of President
- Leads working groups as needed
- Liaises with AACT Program Director to develop meeting agendas
- Leads AACT regional representatives
Three-year term, as part of presidential succession
Immediate Past-President
- AACT member
- Current or former K–12 teacher of chemistry
- Leads external collaboration efforts
- Approves appointments to AACT committees
- Leads working groups as needed
- Serves
as liaison to ChemEdX
Three-year term, as part of presidential succession
Committee Representative
- Represents all AACT committees
- Communicates work and priorities of committees to AACT Governing Board
- Recruits committee chairs
- Nominates committee members
- Monitors committee work, and recommends formation of new committees as needed
Two-year term
Elementary School Ambassador
- AACT member
- Practicing K–5 teacher of chemistry
- Represents the viewpoint of teachers of chemistry at the elementary school level
- Works with the Editor of Chemistry Solutions to contribute one article during his/her term
- Contributes two classroom resources to the AACT resource library during his/her term
One-year term
Middle School Ambassador
- AACT member
- Practicing 6–8 teacher of chemistry.
- Represents the viewpoint of teachers of chemistry at the middle school level
- Works with the Editor of Chemistry Solutions to contribute one article during his/her term
- Contributes two classroom resources to the AACT resource library during his/her term
One-year term
High School Ambassador
- AACT member
- Practicing 9–12 teacher of chemistry.
- Represents the viewpoint of teachers of chemistry at the high school level
- Works with the Editor of Chemistry Solutions to contribute one article during his/her term
- Contributes two classroom resources to the AACT resource library during his/her term
One-year term
ACS SOCED Representative
- Acts as a liaison to ACS Society Committee on Education (SOCED)
- Provides perspective on chemistry education broadly
Coincides with committee appointment
ACS DivCHED Representative
- Acts as a liaison to ACS Division of Chemical Education (DivCHED)
- Provides perspective on chemistry education broadly
Coincides with committee appointment
AACT Program Director
- Works with the Governing Board to guide and administer AACT
- Works with staff to organize meetings and schedule conference calls
- Works with staff to implement strategy
Chemistry Solutions Editor
- AACT member
- Current or former K–12 teacher of chemistry.
- Publishes Chemistry Solutions four times each school year
- Provides perspective from contributing authors about experiences in the chemistry classroom