
Chemistry Solutions is an easy-to-use and easy-to-implement online resource for and by K–12 teachers of chemistry. Each issue highlights hands-on, innovative, inquiry-based, and relevant activities and includes teacher-authored lessons with commentary, as well as feature articles about best practices and tips to use in the chemistry classroom, simulations, and advice.

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What's inside?

Each issue contains a variety of different article types, including:

  • Nuts & Bolts—functional tips and innovative ideas for being a more effective teacher
  • Resource Features—successful demo, lab, lesson, etc. implemented by the teacher
  • Classroom Commentary—reflection and perspectives on broader classroom topics
  • Tech Tips—how technology has been incorporated into a classroom
  • In My Element—a teacher's unique, motivational, or inspirational journey to teaching

Additional issue features include a new simulation, and accompanying classroom resources.

Nuts & Bolts | < 2,000 words

Teachers can share with the community functional tips they implement in their classrooms. It could be an innovative way to evaluate student understanding, perhaps a traditional method hasn’t been effective and a teacher has found an alternative way to engage students, ideas of how to organize supplies, among other tips could be shared in this type of article.

Resource Features | < 2,000 words

This section includes articles about demos, labs, lesson plans, etc. implemented by a teacher with their spin to the approach. It could be a classic lab with a teacher’s twist, it could be an experiment usually carried out with specialized chemicals but tweaked to use items purchased from the grocery store, it could be a traditional lesson with adaptations to fit specific standards that are hard to address, among other ideas.

Classroom Commentary | < 2,000 words

This is an opportunity for teachers of chemistry to be reflective and share their perspective on broader classroom topics. A teacher may have a field trip they take their students on that others could learn from, a general teaching tip applied to a chemistry topic may be described, how to engage all students in chemistry could be addressed, among other topics.

Tech Tips | < 2,000 words

Here, teachers can share how they incorporate technology into the chemistry classroom. These should be more general tips, not endorsements of specific brands of technology. Incorporating videos into the chemistry classroom, ways to collect and share class sets of data, how to balance doing hands-on labs versus virtual labs, among other ideas could be written about in this section.

In My Element | < 1,000 words

In each issue, Chemistry Solutions will feature a teacher’s unique story. Every teacher has a set of circumstances, and every teacher has a great story (or two or three) to tell. This is an opportunity for you to share your interesting experiences and the story of how you became a teacher of chemistry with the community.