Get Involved


  • Serve on the ACS Skilled Technical Workforce Advisory Group

    Serve as an AACT representative and advise the ACS strategic initiative on fostering a skilled technical workforce. Represent the viewpoint of high school teachers. Attend three virtual meetings.

    • Inquire by: May 31, 2024
    • Volunteer Term: May 2024–May 2025
    • Time Commitment: 6 hours

    I'm interested

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Become a member

AACT membership is open to educators and anyone with an interest in K–12 chemistry education. Benefits include an annual subscription to two publications, ChemMatters and Chemistry Solutions; classroom resources such as lesson plans and multimedia; professional development opportunities; access to member insurance, and more.

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Need help requesting funding for your AACT membership? We've created a sample letter you can send to your PTA asking for support.

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Help us build a community by and for K–12 teachers of chemistry. Contribute a great lesson plan, share a success story, or write about tips and tricks you've learned along the way. Maximize your membership by getting involved!

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