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Assessing AP Chem/Physics

Started about 4 years ago by Roberto Alvelais.

All the schools in Ca are closed because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Many districts are trying to meet our students educational needs through distance learning. How do you expect to assess student learning and maintaining test/student integrity and test security when testing is remote and we don't have the infrastructure to ensure test security and student/test integrity?

1 Comment

  • Monica Wixon

    Posted about 4 years ago

    Hi Roberto - I know this is a question on many people's minds as more and more schools are closing. The College Board has provided some updates on how AP testing will work this year (they say the new test dates will be announced on April 3): https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap/news-changes/coronavirus-update. They are providing remote learning resources, and the tests will be 45 minutes, administered online, free response only. There is lots of information on their website, so I would start there - hope this helps!