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Integrating Earth Science into Chemistry

Started about 7 years ago by Cheryl Manning.

I am a Chemistry and Earth/Space Science teacher. My degrees are in Geology and my MS focused on Geochemistry. I am currently seeking other people who have a similar teaching assignments and interests to collaborate on effort to integrate Earth Sciences into high school Chemistry courses. I am writing a proposal for the 2018 NSTA-Atlanta conference about ways to integrate the Earth & Space Sciences into Chemistry. Please let me know if you are interested in this effort. As the President of the National Earth Science Teachers Association, I would like to help those teachers are seeking resources to meet the challenges of teaching a more integrated NGSS curriculum. Thank you. Cheryl Manning


  • Sherri Rukes

    Posted almost 7 years ago

    Cheryl,  I completely agree that this is something that needs to be done.  I know at my school we are looking into how to incorporate Earth science topics into the chemistry classes for the students that most likely will not be taking Earth science at all in the course of their High School career, so all students will meet all the NGSS standards.  I have done some, for example I have done test tube geology, electrolysis, petroleum activities and discussions, etc.  Please let me know if you need any help.   As the president - elect of AACT, I think this could be a great interdisciplinary topic to work together on.  I would love to help out.
  • Chad Bridle

    Posted almost 7 years ago

    Cheryl, This is definitely an issue that is (or will be) on chem teachers' radars. At my school we're looking at implementing some version of the 3-year California model to address NGSS, which integrates ESS into biology, chem and physics. The model uses ESS as the phenomenon for a unit's "storyline." I can see on paper how the ESS fits really nicely with chemistry, but would absolutely love some insight into what that actually looks like in the classroom. While responses to this post have been rather silent, I think the ideas you develop for your session will be well-received by the AACT community.