Animations: New Year, New Look!

By AACT on January 2, 2024

Our animations and their related activities have gotten a makeover!

To get to the collection is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

One major highlight is that all 19 of our animations now have accompanying student activities that you can use to guide your students’ attention as they view these animations. These activities include teacher notes that indicate helpful places to pause the video for students to make observations or answer questions, NGSS alignment (where applicable), conclusion or extension questions to help students make connections between the animation topics and broader real-world situations, and a list of related AACT resources that can be used to further students’ understanding of the topic.

Use the screenshot below to make sure you are familiar with all of the helpful features that now accompany each animation:

  1. Links to the accompanying student activity (including teachers notes, student handouts and answer keys, and other related classroom resources)
  2. Information about using the Student Pass to provide students with access to the animation outside of the classroom
  3. A link back to the animations collection page
  4. A list of other AACT resources on related topics that could be used to further teach the topic addressed in the animation

So check out some of your old favorites and see if there’s something new for you to discover in the new year!