March 2023

Featured Article

Resource Feature

Restoring the Passion for Chemistry: How Collaborating on a Research Project can Inspire both Students and Teachers

In this article, the author shares about her struggle to balance curriculum requirements and pacing with the opportunity to provide real lab experiences for students. Recently, she has experienced science classes dwindling in popularity, particularly since the pandemic. When she had the opportunity to end a particularly difficult school year with a student-led research project, she helped both herself and her students regain a love of learning.

Classroom Commentary

Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

Access is an AACT member benefit. High School Girls in STEM Club

In this article, the author shares about the motivation for and purpose of the Girls in STEM club, created in her school nearly a decade ago. The club has flourished over the years, encouraging and supporting high school girls in STEM subjects as well as providing outreach opportunities for club members and younger girls in the community who are interested in STEM.

Nuts & Bolts

Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Enhancing the Lab Experience with Alternative Approaches

In this article, the author discusses the use of both at-home and virtual labs to supplement and support in-class labs. She includes examples of both, and discusses their unique benefits and approaches. She also describes how making and sharing videos of the teacher conducting labs can promote a more engaging make-up experience for absent students. Although many of these approaches were developed for hybrid and remote learning environments, the author has continued using them with in-person teaching to support in-class labs and extend the overall lab experience.

In My Element

Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. In the Philippines, Teaching Starts with Problem-Solving

In this article, the author offers her unique perspective as an educator in the Philippines. Though she has been faced with many challenges throughout her career, when problems arise, she is solution-focused. She shares about the obstacles she and her colleagues often face, including limited support, closed schools and laboratories, isolation, and personal struggles. Through perseverance and successful networking, some of these burdens have been reduced, but other difficulties remain. She encourages educators near and far to lend a hand and support one another as much as possible.

Reprint Spotlight

A previously published article from Chemistry Solutions that is particularly relevant to readers.

Nuts & Bolts

Access is an AACT member benefit. Chemistry Semester Exam Redesign

In this article, the author shares about her experience redesigning a traditional multiple-choice chemistry semester exam to an authentic assessment for her Honors Chemistry students. Motivated to create an assessment made up of more thought-provoking questions, and encouraged by the style of the AP chemistry exam, she shares example questions, grading rubrics and overall feedback related to the redesign and implementation.

Teacher 2 Teacher

@AACTconnect asked:

You Answered:

I enjoy time with my family and leave schoolwork at school.


I changed schools to one that values mental health, work-life balance, and trusts their teachers!


I garden, I find it very relaxing to weed and prune the garden. The hard work is seen immediately.


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*Full access to Chemistry Solutions is an AACT member benefit. Unlocked articles are open to members and nonmembers.

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Access is an AACT member benefit. They Need Care: Rebuilding with Connections

In this editorial, AACT Governing Board DivCHED Representative Michael Mury discusses the importance of teacher-student relationships. He encourages teachers to continue to build essential connections with students in their classrooms, and provides several suggestions for doing so. It’s never too late, he reminds teachers, to get to know your students!


Radioactive Decay

In this simulation, students will investigate why radioactive decay occurs, the changes that occur in the nucleus during three common types of decay (alpha, beta, and gamma decay), and what types of materials can be used to protect against each type of radiation. Students will also have a chance to test their understanding of these concepts with a 10-question quiz.

Chemistry Fun

Access is an AACT member benefit. Algae Trivia

In this activity, students will participate in a trivia game created in support of the 2023 Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) theme, The Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae. Students will participate individually or as a team to test their knowledge about algae and related chemistry topics.