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Chemistry Solutions
In this activity, students will use their knowledge of the periodic table and periodic trends to add fictional elements to a periodic table based on their properties. Once the elements are in the correct place they will reveal a hidden message. This review activity will help students prepare for a summative assessment such as a unit test or final exam.
- Um is in the 3rd period and has three electrons in its highest p-orbitals.
- St is a gas that does not belong to a specific family.
- Ea, Nd and Dy are all alkali metals.
- F, En, and K are alkaline earth metals.
- A and Rb are halogens.
- Ma, U and R are all elements that have a full octet.
- Me and Ex both form -2 ions.
- The ionization energy trend for the elements that form +1 ions is Ea < Nd < Dy.
- The electronegativity value for En is greater than K, but it is less than F.
- A has a smaller atomic radius than Rb.
- R is the noble gas with the largest atomic radius.
- Me has a smaller value for ionization energy than Ex.
- Th, Or and E are all located in the second period.
- Ma has one less proton than Nd.
- Jo would form a +3 cation and is a metal.
- The electronegativity values of Th is less than E but greater than Or.
- Ys can only form a +4 ion.

Write the hidden message in the space below.