Chemistry Solutions
May 2022
Featured Article
Resource Feature
Bringing Materials Chemistry into the Teaching of Bonding
In this article, the author explains how she incorporates topics of materials science into a chemical bonding unit. She shares several teaching resources as examples, including easy-to-use, show-and-tell style demonstrations that have had been effective at introducing students to the exciting field of material science.
Resource Features
Lessons by teachers with their inspiration for the activity or tips for how to implement the lesson.

Given the value of chemistry demonstrations to learning, in 2019 the Yale Chemistry Department developed a successful outreach event called, “The Wonderful World of Chemistry: A Magic Show,” which was performed again in 2020 for students from local public schools. This hour-long lecture given by Yale Chemistry Department faculty and students was intended to introduce chemistry to upper-elementary and middle school students through a series of demonstrations. In this article, the authors provide teachers with information that will assist them in performing some of the most successful demonstrations in their own classrooms.
Classroom Commentary
Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

The article describes a teacher’s efforts to help students better understand chemistry by connecting to concepts they encounter in their everyday lives. The author shares some examples from her classroom as well as a lab for readers to try with their own students.
Nuts & Bolts
Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

In this article the author explains how she recently incorporated a Driving Questions Board and Activity Summary Board using Jamboard in her chemistry classroom. She shares about her purpose for shifting her teaching approach in order to integrate these strategies for equitable student collaboration.
In My Element
Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

In this article, middle school science teacher Scott Valenta reflects on his work/life balance, remembering the adage, “teaching is a marathon, not a sprint.” Scott makes plans to have a future with a healthier balance in his work life.
Teacher 2 Teacher
@AACTconnect asked:
Summer will be here before we know it! Will you be attending any in-person or virtual chemistry teaching conferences during summer break? Tell us about your plans! #iteachchem #chemtwitter #chemchat
— AACT (@AACTconnect) April 6, 2022
You Answered:
Yessiree attending @BCCE2022 with the #chemfam in July! Back at it! As well as some @collegeboard AP Reading, training and #preAPChemistry trainings. Packing it all in.
I will be attending the 83rd annual NEACT conference! August 1-4 at Colby College in Maine. Would love to see you there! #neact
Attending an in-person @ASM_MEF Materials Science camp. Not pure chemistry, but so much fun!
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AACT President Greta Glugoski-Sharp shares about the work of the AACT Governing Board throughout the past year, and highlights their efforts focused on culturally responsive and inclusive teaching practices in the chemistry classroom. She hopes that their work will result in a toolkit (currently being developed) that can help support and guide chemistry teachers on the path to culturally responsive teaching.

This animation explores the idea that everything is made of atoms, and that since atoms are so extremely small, even small objects contain vast numbers of atoms. Students will see several examples to illustrate this point. Then they will be given a brief overview of the evolution of how people thought about atoms from the ancient Greeks through Dalton. This animation was featured in the May 2022 issue of Chemistry Solutions. **This video has no audio**
Chemistry Fun

In this activity, students will first answer clues about fundamental chemistry concepts in order to determine the missing digits from a sudoku puzzle. After solving the clues, students must then use both logic and reasoning while following the rules of sudoku to solve the 9x9 puzzle.