May 2023

Featured Article

Resource Feature

Exploring Social Justice Through a Chemistry Lens

This article details a project that introduces students to the intersection of social justice and chemistry. Over the course of a semester, students study the Flint, Michigan water crisis and discuss the social aspects while exploring the solution chemistry underlying the events.

Classroom Commentary

Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

Access is an AACT member benefit. 5 Lessons I Wish I’d Learned Earlier in My Career

A veteran chemistry teacher shares five pearls of teaching wisdom from her teaching career. She hopes to inspire and support fellow chemistry teachers, especially those who are just starting out in the profession.

Nuts & Bolts

Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Using Notetaking to Help Students Take More Meaningful Notes

In this article the author discusses her journey to transform traditional notetaking in her classroom to a more active, engaging activity for students. She describes several successful strategies that she uses in her middle school science classroom, including group notetaking, processing-based activities, like one-pagers, and combining colors, pictures and text through the sketchnoting approach.

In My Element

Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Embracing a Challenging Opportunity

In this article, a teacher shares his story about moving from the Philippines to Orlando, Florida to accept a chemistry teaching position at an inner city, Title I high school. He highlights an unanticipated challenge that he encountered, his successful journey to overcome it, and some adjustments he needed to make in order to succeed. He shares several strategies and examples that helped him along the way, ultimately motivating him to remain true to his calling as a teacher.

Reprint Spotlight

A previously published article from Chemistry Solutions that is particularly relevant to readers.

Nuts & Bolts

Access is an AACT member benefit. The Benefits of Culminating Tasks

In this article, a teacher shares her experience implementing culminating tasks in the chemistry classroom. She shares her insight for best practices, and offers suggestions for hands-on lab experiences that can be completed at the end of a unit or a semester.

Teacher 2 Teacher

@AACTconnect asked:

You Answered:

Have my students draw a comic strip of a lab procedure before completing the lab. Increases student confidence, minimizes confusion. Thanks @CoachRasby !


For me, it was embracing #ungrading and going all-in with my 1st-year chem students, thanks to inspiration from @johannabrown and others! #iteachchem


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*Full access to Chemistry Solutions is an AACT member benefit. Unlocked articles are open to members and nonmembers.

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How Are You?

AACT President Matt Perekupka reflects on the school year and revisits the topic of teacher burnout. He hopes that other teachers have shared his feeling of revitalization this school year and credits the importance of building connections for combatting his battle with burnout.


Access is an AACT member benefit. Separating Mixtures Animation

This animation explores different ways of separating a variety of mixtures. The separation techniques addressed in this animation include filtration, evaporation, distillation, and chromatography (focusing on paper chromatography). Real-world applications as well as particle diagrams of the separation processes are included. This animation was featured in the May 2023 issue of Chemistry Solutions. **This video has no audio**

Chemistry Fun

Access is an AACT member benefit. Clueless Crossword

In this activity, students will need a pencil and eraser as they are challenged to complete a crossword puzzle without any traditional clues! Instead, students are given a list of element symbols and tasked with determining the element name for each symbol. Then, using the names, they will then attempt to place each one correctly in the puzzle. With only one possible solution, this puzzle can be very tricky!