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Chemistry Solutions
In this activity, students will attempt to solve clues related to the chemistry of fabrics. Starting at the center of the maze, students will fill in each word suggested by the 20 given clues. Answering each clue correctly will help students solve the riddle provided at the end of the activity. This puzzle can be used in the classroom as part of the Fabulous Fibers theme celebration for 2022 National Chemistry Week.

1. A spinning wheel is used to ______ fibers into yarn. This process can be used to influence its properties.
2. If a fabric needs to be water repellent, then the fibers should have __________ properties.
3. Depending on the strength of attraction between _____ molecules and the fabric, clothes can be brightly colored or appear dull.
4. Forensic scientists can use a burn test to identify fabrics related to a crime. One down side of this testing is that it _______ the evidence.
5. Nylon is the fabric of choice for many water ________ items.
6. & 7. Recycled ______ bottles labeled with number ______ can be reused as polyester fibers and fabrics.
8. Fibers are made up of very long molecules called _______.
9. & 10. A synthetic fiber called Nomex is used in _______ for fire fighters, as well as protective gloves in the kitchen thanks to its _____ resistant properties.
11. This fiber is know for its comfortability, used commonly in jeans and shirts.
12. Fiber analysis is conducted by _______ scientists in criminal cases.
13. & 14. Fibers can be found in nature, sourced from _______ and/or _________.
15. Fibers created by using natural resources though chemical synthesis are called _________ fibers.
16. “Hook and loop” tape isn’t sticky like scotch tape. You can usually find it on children’s shoes. It’s most commonly referred to as _________.
17. ______ is a strong, smooth, shiny and expensive fabric made from insect cocoons.
18. A synthetic fiber known for its stretchiness.
19. This fiber helps to keep people feeling warm. Commonly used in hats, scarves, sweaters and socks.
20. When a fabric has the ability to pull water from a surface and hold it, this property is known as ________.
What happened when the fiber scientists tried to come up with a new joke?