Chemistry Solutions
September 2023
Featured Article
Nuts & Bolts
ChatGPT in the Chemistry Classroom
Learn how two co-teachers plan to explore and integrate artificial intelligence (AI), specifically ChatGPT, in their science classroom. This article emphasizes that AI should not replace teachers, but rather be used to enhance the learning experience.
Resource Features
Lessons by teachers with their inspiration for the activity or tips for how to implement the lesson.

The author shares an overview of example chemistry lessons designed to engage low performing students by connecting content with relevant life experiences. Connections to NGSS standards, as well as attention to reading, writing, and mathematics are described as well.
Classroom Commentary
Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.
Engaging with Hispanic chemistry students by connecting them with mentors

The author describes the sizable gap in academic performance in STEM that existed between the White and Hispanic students at the high school where she teaches. Creating a club for her school’s Hispanic students to provide STEM mentorship helped address the issue successfully.

In this article, the author reflects on her experience as a mentor of preservice teachers and the valuable impact it has on their personal and professional growth.
Tech Tips
How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

A former chemistry teacher shares about the challenges she faced in the past when incorporating videos into her teaching, and how she now uses that perspective in her work as a science video content creator.
Reprint Spotlight
A previously published article from Chemistry Solutions that is particularly relevant to readers.
Classroom Commentary
Strategies for Fostering Community in High School Chemistry Classrooms
In this article, the author discusses how developing a strong classroom community can help students persevere in the face of challenging chemistry content. The author shares how she has developed a system for fostering individual student growth while developing strong classroom culture over time.
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Advice Column

A teacher from Texas asks about precipitates and Labby answers.

As teachers embark on the new school year, the 2023-24 AACT Governing Board President, Michael Farabaugh, encourages educators to embrace what he calls the “three C’s.”

In this simulation, students will take a nine question personality quiz to determine which of four types of elements best matches their personality. The accompanying student activity provides students an opportunity to reflect on why their answers led to their final quiz results and to consider what the "personality profile" of other types of elements not included in this quiz might look like.
Chemistry Fun

In this activity, students will be challenged to recognize and identify common polyatomic ions by name and chemical formula. Unlike a traditional word search puzzle, students are only provided with a list of formulas for 24 polyatomic ions, instead of the names of each. They are tasked with finding the corresponding ion names hidden in the puzzle, and then must match each one with its correct formula.