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Determining the Density of Liquids and Solids Mark as Favorite (38 Favorites)
LAB in Density, Physical Properties, Identifying an Unknown, Accuracy, Measurements, Significant Figures, Accuracy, Error Analysis, Error Analysis. Last updated November 27, 2024.
In this lab, students will experimentally determine the density of several liquids and solids from mass and volume measurements. They will then identify an unknown metal by comparing its density to that of known metals and calculate the percent error within the class for a specific sample.
Grade Level
Middle School, High School
NGSS Alignment
This lab will help prepare your students to meet the following scientific and engineering practices:
- Scientific and Engineering Practices:
- Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
- Analyzing and Interpreting Data
By the end of this lab, students should be able to:
- Calculate the density of liquids and solids from mass and volume measurements.
- Measure the volume of a solid using the displacement method.
- Identify an unknown substance by determining its density and comparing it to densities of known substances.
- Calculate percent error.
- Explain if results are accurate and/or precise.
Chemistry Topics
This lab supports students’ understanding of:
- Density
- Measurement
- Significant figures
- Percent error
- Error analysis
Teacher Preparation: 20 minutes
Lesson: 60 minutes
For each group:
- 25-mL and 10-mL graduated cylinder (preferably plastic)
- Small pieces of metal and plastic (such as these density cylinders or these density cubes)
- Balance (0.001 g if possible)
- Water
- Pepsi (about 10 mL)
- Diet Pepsi (about 10 mL)
- M&Ms (5)
- Always wear safety goggles when handling chemicals in the lab.
- Do not consume lab solutions, even if they’re otherwise edible products.
- Food in the lab should be considered a chemical, not for consumption.
- Students should wash their hands thoroughly before leaving the lab.
- When students complete the lab, instruct them how to clean up their materials and dispose of any chemicals.
Teacher Notes
- This is a good activity to use early in the school year when teaching measurement, significant figures, and, of course, density. Students will practice measuring masses and volumes using balances and graduated cylinders with various liquids and solids, including familiar materials such as water, soda, and M&Ms.
- Remind students not to eat their M&Ms or drink the Pepsi during lab!
- Prior to completing this lab, students should have some understanding of measurements and significant figures, particularly regarding recording measurements with one estimated digit and rounding for their density calculations. (If using with middle school, you could just tell them how many decimal places to round to in the calculations.)
- The Measuring Volume Simulation in the AACT resource library is a good way to remind students how to record volume measurements to the correct number of digits.
- Milligram balances (0.001 g) are preferred, as they will allow students to use more significant figures, but centigram balances (0.01 g) will also work.
- The prelab asks students to read the procedures and create appropriate data tables. If time is limited or students would struggle with this task, you could develop the data table as a whole class, or you could provide students with a data table (see answer key).
- It is strongly recommended that students use plastic graduated cylinders for measuring the volume of the metal samples, not glass cylinders. If students use glass cylinders and drop the metal samples in too quickly, they may break bottom of the cylinder off.
- Students should notice a difference in density between regular and diet soda – the amount of sweetener by mass is much greater in regular soda (containing sugar) compared to diet soda (containing smaller amounts of artificial sweeteners). Consider pairing this lab with the Sinking Soda demo, either before or after, to help them draw the connection between their calculations on paper and their observations in real life.
- For more practice, you could add other materials or objects for students to measure, or have students bring in their own additional samples. They could compare other drinks (juice, energy drinks, tea/coffee, etc.), types of candies, or even different types of M&Ms (minis, peanut, etc.).
- Science education companies often sell sets of samples of the same size/shape (but different masses and therefore densities) for density investigations. For example, Flinn Scientific offers this set of cylinders or this set of cubes that could be used for the unknowns in this activity.
- If using regularly shaped samples, such as the cylinders or cubes in the links above, consider having students compare their volume by displacement measurement to a calculated volume using length measurements and geometrical formulas for the volumes of regular objects.
- If you do not have a set of density cylinders or cubes, other samples could also be used, such as various metal wires, shot, strips/sheets, etc. that you already have in your lab.
- Do not tell students beforehand what metal they are working with – they should be able to determine its identity from their lab data.
- You could provide students with a list of metals and their densities, or you could have them do research on their own to try to identify their unknown metal by its density. If students do their own research, they may have a hard time identifying their metals if there are multiple metals with similar densities, or if their metal samples are impure or oxidized – this can be a good opportunity to discuss sources of error and other properties or methods for identifying unknowns.
- Similar to the metal unknown, you could also have students try to identify the plastic sample (ex: acrylic, nylon, etc.) by comparing their results to published density data.
- In our trials, the density of M&Ms came out to 1.33 g/mL. You may provide this as the accepted value – alternatively, you could use the class average, or you could calculate the density ahead of time by following the procedures in Part III. If you do your own density calculations, you could use more M&Ms to lessen the impact of outliers and get a more accurate value.
- If you would prefer to have your students use a more standardized measurement for their percent error calculations, you could have them complete the percent error calculation for water or for their unknown metal after they have identified it, rather than M&Ms.
- Classroom resources from the AACT Library that may be used to further teach this topic include:
For the Student
An old riddle asks, “Which is heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?” Of course, a pound of feathers and a pound of lead both weigh the same – a pound! Nevertheless, there is clearly something different about a small lead brick and a large bag of feathers, even though they weigh the same. The key is to understand the relationship between a substance’s mass and the volume it occupies. This relationship is the physical property called density.
The density of a substance, unlike its mass or volume, is characteristic of the nature of the substance and is consistent, regardless of the sample size. A substance like gold has a particular density, which is different from that of iron or water or lead. But a small cup of pure water will have the same density as a large bucket of pure water, even though the samples have different masses and volumes. Density is defined as the ratio of a substance’s mass to the volume it occupies:

Prelab Question
In the space provided after the procedures, create organized data tables to contain the data you need to collect for each part of this lab. (This will require you to read through the procedures and analysis questions carefully!)
- Determine the density of several liquids and solids.
- Identify an unknown metal by comparing its density to known samples.
- Calculate the percent error within the class for a specific sample.
- 25-mL and 10-mL graduated cylinders
- Small pieces of metal and plastic
- Balance
- Water
- Pepsi
- Diet Pepsi
- M&Ms
- Always wear safety goggles when handling chemicals in the lab.
- Do not consume lab solutions, even if they’re otherwise edible products.
- Food in the lab should be considered a chemical not for consumption.
- Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the lab.
- Follow the teacher’s instructions for cleanup of materials and disposal of chemicals.
Part I: Finding the density of liquids
- Place a clean, dry, empty 10-mL graduated cylinder on the balance. Record its mass.
- Remove the cylinder from the balance and pour 10 mL of water into it. Record the precise volume, measuring from the bottom of the meniscus.
- Replace the cylinder on the balance and record the mass of the cylinder and water.
- Calculate the mass of water alone.
- Using the equation in the background information, calculate the density of water.
- Repeat steps 1–5 for samples of Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. (Do not drink it!)
Part II: Finding the density of solids and identifying unknowns
- Select one metal sample and one plastic sample to investigate.
- Place the metal on the balance and record its mass.
- Find the volume of the metal sample by water displacement:
- Fill a 25-mL graduated cylinder about half-full with water. Record the precise volume.
- Carefully release the metal sample into the graduated cylinder so it is completely submerged in the water. Record the precise volume.
- Subtract your two volume measurements – the amount of water displaced is equal to the volume of the solid.
- Calculate the density of your metal sample.
- Repeat steps 2–4 for the plastic sample.
- From a table of accepted density values, identify your metal sample.
Part III: Finding the density of M&Ms and calculating percent error
- Obtain 5 chocolate M&Ms for your group. (Do not eat them!)
- Place the M&Ms on a balance and record their mass.
- Determine the volume of the M&Ms using the water displacement method (see Part II, step 3).
- Calculate the density of M&Ms.
- Write your density value on the board.
- Once the accepted value is given, calculate the percent error.
In the space below, construct organized data tables for each part of the procedures to record the data you will collect.
Part I: Finding the density of liquids
Part II: Finding the density of solids and identifying unknowns
Part III: Finding the density of M&Ms and calculating percent error
- The accepted value for the density of water is 1.00 g/mL. How accurate was your calculation in Part I? List at least two possible sources of error that could lead to inaccurate density values.
- Compare the densities of Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. What might account for the difference between the two values? (Hint: Recall that most beverages are solutions of various compounds dissolved in water – what might be different between the two products to cause different densities?)
- Obtain the results for the density of M&Ms from the other lab groups in the class. (These should be written on the board). Would you say these results precise, accurate, neither, or both? Explain.
- Would the water displacement method work for measuring the volume of a tablespoon of salt? What about a floating wooden block? Explain. Describe how you might adjust the procedures for each of these scenarios.
- One of your classmates makes the following statement: “If we measured the mass and volume for 50 M&Ms instead of 5 in this experiment and calculated their density, it would be 10 times greater because we had 10 times as many M&Ms.” Is your classmate correct? Explain why or why not.
- List one benefit and one drawback of using a larger sample size for your density calculations – for example, measuring the mass and volume of 50 M&Ms vs 5 M&Ms for your density calculations.