A Word About Safety

The activities published on this website by the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) are intended for students under direct supervision of teachers. If any content is used in an at-home setting or during virtual-learning, students must conduct all activities under adult supervision. Safety precautions outlined in each classroom resource should be followed. Using alternative materials or procedures for these activities at home may jeopardize the level of safety and therefore is at the user’s own risk. AACT cannot be held responsible for any accidents or injuries that might result from conducting the activities without proper supervision, from not specifically following directions, or from ignoring the cautions contained in the resources.
The term “safety goggles” used in the safety section of each resource refers to chemical splash goggles, an example is shown in the above picture to the right.
Safety Resources
Free ACS Safety Management Course
ACS is offering a free online, self-paced course that introduces concepts of safe chemical management using the RAMP management system: Recognize hazards, Assess the risks of the hazards, Minimize and manage the risks of the hazards, and Prepare for the unexpected and emergencies. The course is designed for secondary school educators who are responsible for managing a chemical storeroom and teaching with chemicals.
ACS Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Secondary Schools
Updated safety guidelines for high school chemistry labs, from the American Chemical Society, Committee on Chemical Safety.
RAMP Teacher Template
Use this simple template with your chemical demonstrations and laboratory experiments to help you recognize hazards, assess and minimize the risks of those hazards, and prepare for emergencies.
Flinn Scientific Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Database
Flinn Safety Data Sheets (SDS) contain valuable information about potential chemical hazards, chemical composition, proper storage and handling, recommended disposal and personal protection information. Contact Flinn for all your chemical safety questions.
Flinn Scientific Lab Safety Training & Certification
High school and middle school teachers can take advantage of Flinn’s free safety training. The course touches on how to design a safe lab, chemical storage area cleanup plans, among other safety topics.
Safety Rubric—Assessing Chemical Demonstration Videos
The purpose of this rubric is to provide a template for educators to review the safety and pedagogy of chemical demonstration videos in order to determine whether they should be used in the classroom.
American Chemical Society, Committee on Chemical Safety (CSS)
CSS promotes and facilitates safe practices in chemical activities. Visit their website for access to a Student Laboratory Code of Conduct, and other safety guidelines for the classroom.
ACS Chemical Safety Video Collection
This video collection is produced by the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society. ACS is a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related information and research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences.