Simulation Activity: Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry Mark as Favorite (88 Favorites)
ACTIVITY in Balancing Equations, Stoichiometry, Classification of Reactions. Last updated July 25, 2023.
In this simulation, students will participate in a short quiz that challenges their knowledge of three related topics: classification of reaction types, balancing equations and solving stoichiometry problems.
Grade Level
High School
NGSS Alignment
This simulation will help prepare your students to meet the performance expectations in the following standards:
- HS-PS1-7: Use mathematical representation to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.
- Scientific and Engineering Practices:
- Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
By the end of this simulation, students should be able to
- Classify a reaction as either: synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement or combustion, based on its chemical equation.
- Balance a chemical equation using whole number coefficients.
- Use the appropriate mole ratio from a balanced equation to solve a stoichiometric problem.
Chemistry Topics
This simulation supports students’ understanding of
- Chemical Reactions
- Stoichiometry
- Classification of Reactions
- Balancing Equations
Teacher Preparation: minimal
Lesson: 20-30 minutes
- Computer, tablet or phone with internet access
- Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry Simulation
No specific safety precautions need to be observed for this activity.
Teacher Notes
- This simulation should be used after students have learned about types of chemical reactions, how to balance an equation and how to solve a stoichiometry problem. It would be beneficial for students to use this simulation as a review tool for a unit test or exam.
- Each quiz is made up of 5 questions, each containing 3 parts. Each part of a question is worth 1 point, for a total of 15 possible points.
- Each of the quiz questions will follow the same pattern: first classify the reaction type, then balance the equation, and finally solve a stoichiometry problem based on the balanced equation.
- The order of 5 questions will be random, so students should not have the same order of questions as a peer.
- There are 20 possible questions that could appear in the quiz, so students can complete the quiz multiple times without being presented with the same problem.
- The types of chemical reactions presented in the quiz can be categorized as one of the following reaction types: synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement or combustion.
- The conversions required in the stoichiometry problems in this quiz vary between questions.
- There is no student handout associated with this simulation since the student will be given instructions, and will answer both multiple choice and free-response questions using the simulation interface.
- The simulation can be found at either of the following links (note that students can access the simulation without an AACT login):
- Download the teacher guide to access the complete answer key for this simulation.