March 2018

Featured Article

Classroom Commentary

The Science Coaches Program in Action

This article describes the very successful Science Coaches partnership between a third-grade teacher and a Ph.D. chemist, who is also her father. The authors offer insight and tips for making the best use of a Science Coach partnership, or any science visitor to your classroom.

Resource Features

Lessons by teachers with their inspiration for the activity or tips for how to implement the lesson.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Teaching Beyond the Cookbook

Inquiry lab experiences provide students with a wider context for understanding the material presented in the classroom while improving student engagement and giving them a more authentic science experience. If you want to include more aspects of inquiry in your laboratory experiences, but lack the time and money to test brand new labs, this article provides specific tools and ideas for adding inquiry experiences to your own labs.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Recasting Chemistry Labs with Forensic Themes

This article discusses several examples of how forensic scenarios can be added to tried-and-true chemistry labs. The author also provides several example lab activities for the audience to use in their own classrooms.

Classroom Commentary

Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Part II: Rethinking Common Practices in High School Chemistry

This article is Part II of a series that aims at rethinking common practices in the high school chemistry curriculum. The first article in this series was published in the November 2017 issue. This article describes the shortcomings with the “5 Reaction Types” classification scheme and provides an alternative organization to the study of chemical reactions.

Nuts & Bolts

Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. 21st Century Skills in High School Chemistry

This article discusses the changing trends in science education, with a focus on the need for implementing 21st century skills into the science curriculum, and some techniques for doing so.

In My Element

Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. My Long, Circuitous Route to Teaching Chemistry

The author shares his journey from liberal arts, to the sciences, and back to the chemistry classroom.

Teacher 2 Teacher

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"The vacuum of space!"

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The Importance of Outreach

AACT President-Elect Sherri Rukes shares thoughts about her experience doing outreach in the chemistry teaching community. She is an enthusiastic promoter of chemistry across all grade levels, and encourages others to follow a similar path.


Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry

In this simulation, students practice classifying different chemical reactions, balancing equations, and solving stoichiometry problems.

Chemistry Fun

Access is an AACT member benefit. Laboratory Equipment Memory Game

In this activity, students will play a modified version of the classic Memory Game in order to help them identify common laboratory equipment by name. This activity provides an opportunity for students to increase their familiarity with the laboratory equipment that they will be expected to properly use.