Stoichiometry Unit Plan Updated

By Kim Duncan on December 3, 2020

As chemistry teachers around the country are planning activities for both distant and face-to-face learning, AACT will be highlighting resources from our high school resource library that can be used to reinforce topics in different units throughout the school year. We recently updated our Chemical Bonding unit and we are now moving on to resources that can be used to support a Stoichiometry unit.

We have added a few resources related to this topic to the high school library, which are highlighted below. We have also updated our unit plan to help you teach an introductory unit on chemical bonding. In the sidebar of this page, we have included links to resources that are appropriate for virtual learning.


Use the lesson plan, A Scaffold Approach to Teaching Stoichiometry to introduce this important topic to your students. Students will learn the basics of stoichiometry including determining the amount of reactant needed or product produced, determining the limiting reactant and finally determining percent yield. They will also design their own stoichiometry lab and interpret their collected results. This three day lesson plan includes a PowerPoint presentation, two student activities and a lab, with answer key for each.

Limiting Reactant

The Limiting Reactant and Mole of Reaction lesson plan teaches students how to identify limiting reagents and the amounts of product produced using the mole of reaction concept. This approach is designed to focus on calculations related to limiting reactant after a conceptual understanding of what a limiting reactant is has already been established. This two day lesson plan includes a PowerPoint presentation to guide warm up and exit tickets for each day, and two student worksheets with answer keys.

Culminating Activity

Students are presented with a key wrapped in aluminum foil and are challenged to free it without using their hands to touch it in the Untouchable Key Escape Room lab. They are supplied with solid copper (II) chloride, a balance, distilled water and a selection of standard laboratory glassware and equipment. Without using their hands to touch the key, they must react the key with a copper (II) chloride solution in order to free the key and use it to escape from the chemistry classroom!

We hope that these resources can help you to reinforce several of the topics covered in a unit about stoichiometry. Most of these lessons were made possible by great teachers who shared their own resources. We need your help to keep the collection growing. Do you have a great demonstration, activity, or lesson related to this topic that you would like to share with the community? Please send it along for consideration.