March 2021

Featured Article

Nuts & Bolts

Remote Teaching Strategies that Will Outlast the Pandemic

In this article, the author reflects on four new teaching practices that he has successfully implemented in response to the current remote learning environment, and shares about how these strategies can continue to be valuable in the future.

Nuts & Bolts

Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Chemistry Semester Exam Redesign

In this article, the author shares about her experience redesigning a traditional multiple-choice chemistry semester exam to an authentic assessment for her Honors Chemistry students. Motivated to create an assessment made up of more thought-provoking questions, and encouraged by the style of the AP chemistry exam, she shares example questions, grading rubrics and overall feedback related to the redesign and implementation.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Beneficial Classroom Strategies for Teaching in a Pandemic and Beyond

Teaching during the pandemic has challenged teachers to find new ways to help students learn chemistry. In this article, AACT Middle School Ambassador Jennifer Smith describes several teaching methods that have been successful in her classroom. These strategies include weekly student check-in surveys, providing students with audio feedback, and creating video instructions for labs. All are easy-to-implement practices that teachers can leverage both during and after the pandemic

Tech Tips

How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. How to Use Online Forms and Surveys to Enhance Remote Learning

In this article, the author describes how the remote learning setting can be challenging for teachers. The inability to observe students’ body language and other types of real-time feedback can make it difficult to plan ahead and adjust lessons on the fly. With this in mind, the author shares some practical ways to use online forms and surveys to both engage students in remote learning and gain more real-time feedback on lesson comprehension.

In My Element

Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Teaching is a Journey

The author describes her journey from the industrial lab setting to the classroom. Originally inspired to pursue a future in chemistry by her high school chemistry teacher, many experiences throughout her life have positioned her to thrive as an educator. Her journey has come full circle, and as a high school chemistry teacher, she now hopes to inspire bright minds to be life-long learners and to be excited about science.

Teacher 2 Teacher

@AACTconnect asked:

You Answered:

In #RosalindFranklin's notebook, her description of the formation of H-bonds formed in the helical structure of #DNA includes a picture of a skull and crossbones. I would love to know what she was thinking when she drew that.


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Bringing Chemistry to Life through the Story of Madame Curie

AACT President-Elect Greta Glugoski-Sharp shares about her passion for teaching about the historical significance of important chemists — in particular, the great contributions of Marie Curie. She encourages teachers to integrate the important history of scientific pioneers, such as Curie and others, into their own teachings.


Metals In Aqueous Solutions

In this activity, students will run simulated tests of various metals in aqueous solutions to determine the relative reactivity of these metals. A total of eight metals will be observed in various combinations with the corresponding metal nitrate solutions and hydrochloric acid. Students will interpret the data collected to construct an activity series of the elements used in this simulation.

Chemistry Fun

Access is an AACT member benefit. "It's a Phase" Puzzles

In this activity, students will complete either a crossword puzzle or a word search puzzle for common vocabulary terms related to the topics of phase changes and heat transfer. This activity provides an opportunity for students to increase their familiarity with the terms that they will be expected to use when learning about thermochemistry.