March 2025

Featured Article

Tech Tips

Using Conditional Formatting in Spreadsheets to Create Engaging, Interactive Lessons with Instant Feedback

In this article, the author explores how he uses spreadsheets featuring interactive activities and instant feedback to enhance high school chemistry learning. He reports that his students became more engaged with the material, and at the same time gained essential spreadsheet skills.

Classroom Commentary

Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Best Practices for Planning Professional Development for Teachers

The article explores the author’s experience as a chemistry teacher trainer, emphasizing the importance of pedagogy in education. Drawing inspiration from The Toyota Way, the author highlights how Japanese principles can be applied to enhance chemistry training.

Tech Tips

How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Using Online Simulations for Middle School Chemistry

In this article, the author explores the benefits of online simulations in middle school science. She highlights their accessibility and versatility, shares implementation techniques that have worked well in her classroom, and provides recommendations for free chemistry simulations.

In My Element

Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Small Schools… Big Challenges and Rewards

In this article, the author shares her experience teaching multiple science subjects in a small school. She highlights the challenges of wearing many hats, and also the rewards of building strong, lasting connections with students.

Reprint Spotlight

A previously published article from Chemistry Solutions that is particularly relevant to readers.

Nuts & Bolts

Access is an AACT member benefit. Real-World Chemistry Learning Opportunities Are Right outside Your Door!

How can we help students see the connections between various fields of study which are traditionally taught separately? With the Next Generation Science Standards in hand, and eyes newly opened to a multitude of resources, a chemistry teacher took his students to learn at a local wastewater treatment plant. It left a lasting impression.

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Advice Column

Access is an AACT member benefit. Dear Labby: Why do Moles Matter?

A high school chemistry teacher struggles with helping students grasp the concept of mole conversions and their real-world applications.


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

AACT Governing Board President-Elect Aimee Modic advises teachers on best practices for selecting classroom resources, including choosing vetted materials, testing in advance, and personalizing content.


Ion Dice

In this game, students roll ion dice and select ions to create various ionic compounds in order to score points. As the game progresses, fewer dice are available, so students must decide to either play it safe or risk a “bust” which would result in losing all their points for the round.

Chemistry Fun

Access is an AACT member benefit. Isotope Sisters Puzzle

In this activity, students are given clues about various sister isotopes in order to complete a crossword puzzle. Students will become familiar with isotope names, symbols, and mass numbers as they consider descriptions of the isotopes and information about their uses to solve the puzzle.