Chemistry Solutions
May 2015
Featured Article
Classroom Commentary
A Dialog on Terminology: Double Replacement vs Ion Swap
Are ionic AX + BY reactions better titled double replacement or ion swap? Read the discourse between two advanced high school chemistry students, with an introduction and conclusion from their teacher.
Resource Features
Lessons by teachers with their inspiration for the activity or tips for how to implement the lesson.
Is it correct to use unconventional equipment in a school setting? Read about this alternative apparatus to the traditional crucible—a bottle cap.

Grab your students' attention and help soldify their understanding of empirical formulas with this research project.

Find out how an old and unsuccessful report on the unique properties of water evolved into a meaningful, collaborative, and rich unit on water sustainability.
Nuts & Bolts
Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Questions from the March NGSS webinar are addressed, touching on topics including NGSS resources, how NGSS effects chemistry curriculum, and helpful tips about ChemCom sixth edition.

This teacher stumbled upon a way to enhance student engagement: giving students choices for how to complete an assignment. And was pleasantly surprised to find students more engaged.

Simple steps all busy teachers can take to clean and organize their prep room.
Tech Tips
How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

Twitter, Google+, and blogs have expanded this teacher's resources and learning networks outside of her own district, and allowed her to be reflective about her teaching.
In My Element
Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

The creator of Compound Interest shares his inspiration for his infographics and reveals how he balances his website with full-time teaching.
Teacher 2 Teacher
@AACTconnect Asked:
What teaching method(s) would you like to implement or have you started to use to teach chemistry?
You answered on Facebook:
The use of "lab stations" or "mini labs" for a variety of chemistry topics.
Kathy K.
I would love to hear from other teachers about lab practicals and alternative assessments in the chemistry classroom!
Sam C.
You answered on Twitter:
I absolutely love using SBG* in my classroom. Definitely worth the switch!
*SBG = standards based grading
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It’s hard to believe the last issue of the first volume of Chemistry Solutions is here. I know what you’re thinking: What am I going to do without a new issue until September? The good news is that the back issues are always available, and we have plenty of opportunities for you to stay involved with AACT!

In the May 2015 issue, students explore the heating curve for water from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. Students compare illustrations of each physical state depicted on the curve and calculate the energy required to transition from one state to another.