Chemistry Solutions
May 2018
Featured Article
Nuts & Bolts
Using Learning Progressions to Improve Scientific Modeling in Chemistry
This article describes how to use learning progressions to transform your existing modeling activities to help students construct and use models as a generative tool for predicting and explaining phenomena. In the process, the models become a learning tool, rather than just a means to illustrate understanding.
Resource Features
Lessons by teachers with their inspiration for the activity or tips for how to implement the lesson.

This article discusses why it's important for K-5 teachers to overcome the fear of teaching chemistry, and gives some simple suggestions on how to start.
Classroom Commentary
Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

This article discusses a short course in computational chemistry, designed for AP Chemistry teachers and students, primarily to be used for chemistry enrichment following the completion of the AP Chemistry exam.
Nuts & Bolts
Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

The article explores several different strategies for teaching EL and SPED students in the high school chemistry classroom.
Tech Tips
How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

The author describes her efforts to implement and effectively use electronic notebooks to capture lab work in regular, advanced, and AP chemistry classes.

One of the greatest time demands for chemistry teachers is the assessment of lab work. With a little bit of preparation, you can program Moodle (a widely available and free learning management system used by many schools) to correct students’ lab calculations and provide immediate feedback. The author walks through an example using a simple stoichiometry exercise used with his 11th grade general chemistry students.
Teacher 2 Teacher
@AACTconnect asked:
With time being so limited, share with us your tips for end of year lab clean-up? #SafetyPledge #ChemChat
— AACT (@AACTconnect) #notchem April 23, 2018
Most Popular Response:
"After our #APExam, my kids do it! Each task is delegated to small teams who calibrate, clean, organize and inventory under supervision. #PostAPprojects"
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Jenelle Ball reflects on both her school year and her time as the AACT Governing Board President. She highlights some newly-implemented and improved member benefits as well as some particular resources that she valued this year. She hopes all teachers will take time as the school year comes to an end to also reflect on their lessons learned and refocus for the future.

In the May 2018 simulation, students investigate several factors that can affect the initial rate of a chemical reaction, including concentration, temperature, surface area of the reactants, and addition of a catalyst.
Chemistry Fun

In this activity, students will familiarize themselves with common hazard symbols and their meaning.