Chemistry Solutions
November 2016
Featured Article
Nuts & Bolts
Essential Questions
Essential questions are not only important components of quality teaching and learning, but their open-ended nature can also set the stage for launching into engaging classroom debates. The author provides resources and ideas for implementing this interactive style of learning into your chemistry classroom.
Resource Features
Lessons by teachers with their inspiration for the activity or tips for how to implement the lesson.

Teach struggling students how to determine the limiting reactant in a stoichiometry problem with this method. Through the use of arrows and corresponding steps, students are given appropriate guidance for completing these complicated calculations.
Nuts & Bolts
Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Using color-based learning can lead to better visualization of chemistry concepts and chemistry problems. This articles explains the reasoning behind the technique, and provides examples of how to adopt this tool in your classroom.
Tech Tips
How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

Wikis can be used as a technology tool for differentiating a chemistry lab so it's engaging to all students. In this article the author explains how to build a classroom wiki page to use with students. He also explores ways to assess students’ tasks completed during the lab.

Learn how to incorporate a few simple strategies to improve data sharing, pre-lab preparation and post-lab discussion in the chemistry lab. The author discusses the use of Google Forms, and the integration of videos and simulations.
In My Element
Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Read about the author's transition from a corporate chemist to a high school science teacher. Through her journey, she discovers a desire to empower disenfranchised minorities and encourage their inclusion and success in STEM related careers.
Teacher 2 Teacher
@AACTconnect asked*:
Does your school offer Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry?
62% — Yes, and I'm the instructor
24% — Yes
14% — No
Does your school offer the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Program?
84.5% — No
15.5% — Yes
*Of 58 total responses
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Veteran chemistry teacher and AACT governing board member Roxie Allen reflects on her teaching career and active involvement in various professional teaching organizations. She emphasizes the value of being involved, and encourages other teachers to grow outside their classroom.

In the November 2016 simulation, students will evaluate the energy changes in an endothermic and an exothermic chemical reaction. Students will have the opportunity to compare how energy is absorbed and released in each reaction, and will make a connection between the standard energy diagrams associated with each reaction type.