September 2019

Featured Article

Nuts & Bolts

Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Your First Years as a Chemistry Teacher

This article provides tips for finding success as a new chemistry teacher. Tips include helpful organizational advice and lab logistics for teachers who are navigating their first few years of teaching.

Resource Features

Lessons by teachers with their inspiration for the activity or tips for how to implement the lesson.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Part 1: Teaching Earth Chemistry

In this article, the author shares some introductory information as well reasons for teachers to integrate the chemistry of the earth in their chemistry curriculum. This article is the first in a series of articles on earth chemistry, and discusses building the content, making connections with existing chemistry content, and seeing examples of the relevance of the subject.

Classroom Commentary

Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Using the Challenge Cycle to Facilitate Learning

In this article, the author shares about her use of the Challenge Cycle in combination with the Middle School Chemistry curriculum, developed by ACS. The Challenge Cycle moves the responsibility for learning from teacher to student, and facilitates active learning as it serves as a guide for thinking and communicating.

Access is an AACT member benefit. It’s Elementary: We all Teach Chemistry!

In this article, the author affirms that elementary science teachers are chemistry teachers. She offers examples for connecting chemistry to space science, specifically using NASA resources, as well as examples for identifying other chemistry content connections in a science curriculum.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Strategies for Fostering Community in High School Chemistry Classrooms

In this article, the author discusses how developing a strong classroom community can help students persevere in the face of challenging chemistry content. The author shares how she has developed a system for fostering individual student growth while developing strong classroom culture over time.

Nuts & Bolts

Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Systems-Thinking in the Chemistry Classroom

Recent critiques of chemistry curricula have pointed toward an overly reductionist approach to teaching and learning about the central science. Advocates of curriculum changes point out that many schools and textbooks fail to help students see chemistry’s impacts within larger and interconnected systems. A systems-thinking approach to chemistry curriculum development and implementation may help both students and teachers conceive and appreciate these complex relationships. Two tools that can help teachers design and implement a systems-approach to chemical education include Science Literacy Maps and Concept Maps.

In My Element

Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Embracing My Teaching Style

The author shares about her recent career transition to becoming a chemistry teacher, and reflects on the challenges and successes she experienced during her first year in the classroom.

Teacher 2 Teacher

@AACTconnect asked:

You Answered:

I have a first day routine that I am very proud of. I have used it for 25 years and I think I finally have it down pat. I have spoken to students from 20 years ago at reunions and they tell me that they still remember the first day of chemistry so I think it is pretty good.


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*Full access to Chemistry Solutions is an AACT member benefit. Unlocked articles are open to members and nonmembers.

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Fresh Start

AACT President Heather Weck shares her enthusiasm for a fresh start this new school year! She shares exciting updates and new content from AACT, and points teachers to some valuable teaching resources to consider as they begin a new year with students.


Preparing Solutions

In this simulation, students will complete a calculation in order to determine either the molarity of solution, volume of solution, or mass of solute needed. Additionally the associated particle diagram for the solution will be displayed to help students better visualize the solution at the particulate level. Finally, students will gain familiarity with the proper lab techniques for preparing a solution as they are lead through a step-by-step animated process demonstrating this procedure.

Chemistry Fun

NCW ChemCatcher: Marvelous Metals

In celebration of National Chemistry Week 2019, ACS has created a ChemCatcher for students to enjoy.