Student Pass FAQs

What can the Student Pass be used for?
The pass can be used for videos, animations, or ChemMatters archived issues

Once I generate a pass, what happens next?
Once a pass is generated your screen will show a passcode, the date and time the passcode will expire, and how many passes you have generated this calendar year. You can then share the passcode with your students to watch any videoanimation, or ChemMatters archived issue!

Can I reuse a passcode?
Each passcode is only good within one 7-day period. The passcode will no longer work after 7 days.

Does the website know when my 7-days will expire?
Our website tracks the 7-days based on your current time zone. For example, if you are currently in New York and you generate a pass, your 7 days starts and ends in Eastern Standard Time. The website will display the date and time your passcode will expire in your time zone.

How many students can use the passcode I generate?
There is no limit on the number of students that can use the passcode.

Can I use the same passcode I generate with all of my classes?
Yes, as long as you are within your 7-day period.

How many videos, animations, or ChemMatters archived issues can my students access with one passcode?
There is no limit on how many videos, animations, or ChemMatters archived issues your students can access within a 7-day period. You can provide your students with the exact URL(s) of the video(s) or animation(s) you’d like them to watch or ChemMatters archived issues you'd like them to read.

Will the passcode give my students access to other member-only content like webinars or lesson plans?
The passcode only works for videos, animations, or ChemMatters archived issues. No other content can be unlocked with a passcode.

What happens if I do not use my 10 passes by the end of the calendar year?
Passes do not rollover. However, as long as you are a member, you will get 10 new passes on January 1st for that year.

My passcode isn’t working, what should I do?
Passcodes are case sensitive. We suggest copying and pasting the passcodes when sharing or using the codes. When copying and pasting, be sure that there are no additional spaces before or after the passcode. 

Remember that your passcodes expire. Please make sure the passcode you’re using is for the correct 7-day period. If you are still encountering a problem, please feel free to contact us.

When I went to the Student Pass Access page I got an error. What happened?
You must be a member and logged in to view the Student Pass Access page. If you are a member that is not logged in, you will be redirected back to our homepage and see an error message. 

Once you've logged in, you can generate your passcode by" 

  1. Clicking the down arrow by your AACT username.
  2. Clicking on Generate Student Pass. Note, you will be redirected to the Student Pass page.
  3. Clicking the blue Generate Pass button and you’re done!

*Note: If you are not logged in, you will be redirected to the home page and see an error message.

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