Classroom Resources: Quantitative Chemistry
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1 – 23 of 23 Classroom Resources
Pressure, SI Units, Dimensional Analysis | High School
Lab: Investigating the Power of Air Pressure Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
In this lab, students will investigate air pressure through several short experiments. They will become more familiar with the concept of air pressure and its corresponding units of measurement. Students will be challenged to interpret their observations through modeling particle diagrams.
Measurements, SI Units, Mole Concept, Physical Properties, Density | Middle School, High School
Activity: Animation Activity: Units of Chemistry Mark as Favorite (17 Favorites)
In this activity, students will view an animation that explores the importance of including units to communicate the value of measurements effectively. The animation presents definitions, units of measurement, and measuring tools for physical properties that are commonly measured or calculated in chemistry class: mass, length, temperature, volume, amount (moles), and density.
SI Units, Mole Concept, Measurements, Physical Properties, Density | Middle School, High School
Animation: Units of Chemistry Animation Mark as Favorite (12 Favorites)
This animation explores the importance of including units to communicate the value of measurements effectively. It presents definitions, units of measurement, and measuring tools for physical properties that are commonly measured or calculated in chemistry class: mass, length, temperature, volume, amount (moles), and density. This animation was featured in the November 2022 issue of Chemistry Solutions. **This video has no audio**
Measurements, SI Units, Dimensional Analysis, Scientific Notation, Molecular Structure , Elements, History, Interdisciplinary | High School
Lesson Plan: The Discovery of Fullerenes Mark as Favorite (5 Favorites)
In this lesson, students will learn about a class of compounds called fullerenes through a reading about their discovery. Metric conversions, organic chemistry, and allotropes are all touched on in this lesson. There are a series of activities to help promote literacy in the science classroom related to the reading. This lesson could be easily used as plans for a substitute teacher, as most of the activities are self-guided.
Measurements, SI Units, Physical Properties, Observations | High School
Lesson Plan: Setting the Standards of Excellence Mark as Favorite (11 Favorites)
In this lesson, students will learn about standards through a reading about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which is the U.S. body that defines standards. There are a series of activities to help promote literacy in the science classroom related to the reading. This lesson could be easily used as plans for a substitute teacher, as most of the activities are self-guided.
Mole Concept, SI Units | High School
Activity: Mole Mischief Puzzle Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)
In this activity, students will analyze a collection of clues and attempt to determine the correct word that corresponds to each one. As a connection to chemistry, each of the answers contain the unit “mol” within the word.
Introduction, Lab Safety, Chemical Properties, Physical Properties, Chemical Change, Physical Change, History, Separating Mixtures, Elements, Mixtures, Density, Measurements, SI Units, Significant Figures, Dimensional Analysis, Scientific Notation, Accuracy, Molecular Motion, Phase Changes | High School
Lesson Plan: The Chemistry Basics and Measurement Quick Start Unit Plan Mark as Favorite (49 Favorites)
This Quick Start Unit Plan includes all the materials that a teacher will need for the first 10 class meetings of the school year. Each day is outlined with teacher notes, and includes slide presentations as well as directions for demonstrations, activities and labs to use. The fundamental topics covered in the 10 days of lessons are: laboratory safety, laboratory equipment, experimental design, classification of matter, chemical properties, physical properties, chemical change, physical change, phase changes, separation techniques, dimensional analysis, unit conversions, factor label method, accuracy, precision, significant figures, and percent error calculations. This Quick Start Unit plan aims to help students to build a foundation of understanding, and master important topics before moving deeper into the chemistry curriculum.
Measurements, Accuracy, Dimensional Analysis, Significant Figures, SI Units | Middle School, High School
Activity: Measurement Tools, Significant Figures and Conversions Mark as Favorite (59 Favorites)
In this activity, students will complete several hands-on measurements, using a variety of common measuring tools. They will carefully consider how to properly report each measurement based on the tool used. Students will then complete measurement conversions, and apply their knowledge of significant figures.
Measurements, SI Units | Middle School
Activity: Jumping the Metric System Mark as Favorite (5 Favorites)
In this activity, students will become more familiar with using the metric system to convert units of measurement. Students then will then be challenged to redesign a school cafeteria tray using their understanding of metric system and unit conversion.
Measurements, SI Units | Middle School
Lesson Plan: Masters of Measurement Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)
In this lesson, students will review the characteristics of metric measurement, and practice using measurement tools. They will then take on the role of an intern on the Zombie Prevention Task Force and use their measurement skills to develop a vaccine in an escape room activity.
Molecular Structure, Intermolecular Forces, Measurements, SI Units | High School
Activity: Designing an Effective Respiratory Cloth Mask Mark as Favorite (61 Favorites)
In this activity students will use unit conversion to help compare sizes of molecules, viruses, and droplets and then use them to interpret graphical data. They will then use their findings to design a cloth mask that helps protect its wearer against infection by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
Significant Figures, Measurements, SI Units | High School
Activity: Investigating Significant Figures through Inquiry Mark as Favorite (59 Favorites)
In this activity, students will develop an understanding of why significant figures are important in chemistry and learn how to determine the number of significant figures in a measurement.
Introduction, Lab Safety, Chemical Properties, Physical Properties, Chemical Change, Physical Change, History, Separating Mixtures, Measurements, SI Units, Significant Figures | High School
Lesson Plan: Chemistry Basics Unit Plan Mark as Favorite (108 Favorites)
The AACT High School Classroom Resource library and multimedia collection has everything you need to put together a unit plan for your classroom: lessons, activities, labs, projects, videos, simulations, and animations. We searched through our resource library and constructed a unit plan for introducing the basic chemistry concepts to students: Laboratory Safety, Equipment, and Reports, Periodic Table Basics, Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes, Endothermic and Exothermic Changes, and Classification of Matter. These topics are very important for your students to master before they dig into other chemistry concepts. This unit is designed to be used at beginning of the school year.
Conservation of Mass, Observations, History, Measurements, SI Units | Middle School, High School
Activity: Lavoisier Video Questions Mark as Favorite (14 Favorites)
In this activity, students will watch a video about Antoine Lavoisier, who many consider to be the father of modern chemistry. They will answer questions as they learn about oxygen, hydrogen, and the first proposal of the Law of the Conservation of Mass.
Temperature, History, Physical Properties, Measurements, SI Units, Accuracy | Elementary School, Middle School, High School
Activity: Temperature Guys Video Questions Mark as Favorite (36 Favorites)
In this activity, students will watch a video and answer questions about how both the thermometer and the concept of temperature evolved over time
Measurements, SI Units, Significant Figures, Accuracy | Middle School, High School
Simulation: Measuring Volume Mark as Favorite (58 Favorites)
In this simulation, students will participate in a 10 question quiz. The quiz questions are each made of two parts, with the first part requiring the student to analyze an image of a graduated cylinder in order to report an accurate measurement. Students must use the correct number of digits based on the markings presented on the cylinder when reporting the measurement. In the second portion of the question the students will determine the uncertainty value of the graduated cylinder, again by analyzing its markings. The simulation is made up of several different sizes of graduated cylinders, each containing unique markings, so students will be challenged to analyze each individually.
Measurements, Accuracy, SI Units, Significant Figures | Middle School, High School
Activity: Simulation Activity: Measuring Volume Mark as Favorite (60 Favorites)
In this simulation, students will participate in a 10 question quiz. The quiz questions are each made of two parts, with the first part requiring the student to analyze an image of a graduated cylinder in order to report an accurate measurement. Students must use the correct number of digits based on the markings presented on the cylinder when reporting the measurement. In the second portion of the question the students will determine the uncertainty value of the graduated cylinder, again by analyzing its markings. The simulation is made up of several different sizes of graduated cylinders, each containing unique markings, so students will be challenged to analyze each individually.
Measurements, Dimensional Analysis, SI Units, Percent Composition, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures, Accuracy, Density | High School
Lesson Plan: Chemical Measurement Unit Plan Mark as Favorite (112 Favorites)
The AACT High School Classroom Resource library has everything you need to put together a unit plan for your classroom: lessons, activities, labs, projects, videos, simulations, and animations. We constructed a unit plan for introducing concepts student need to collect and use chemical measurements: Percent Composition, Metric Units, Accuracy and Precision, Percent Error, Density, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures, and Unit Conversion. This unit is designed to be used at beginning of the school year and modified based on student math abilities.
Dimensional Analysis, SI Units | High School
Lesson Plan: Dimensional Analysis and Unit Conversion Mark as Favorite (52 Favorites)
In this lesson, students will learn how to use dimensional analysis for unit conversion problems. They will then practice the skill on several chemistry-based conversion problems.
Conservation of Mass, History, Observations, Measurements, SI Units | Elementary School, Middle School, High School
Video: Antoine Lavoisier Video Mark as Favorite (18 Favorites)
This video tells the story of Antoine Lavoisier who many consider to be the father or modern chemistry. Lavoisier discovered oxygen and hydrogen and first proposed the Law of Conservation of Mass.
Scientific Notation, Dimensional Analysis, SI Units | High School
Lesson Plan: Using Scientific Notation in Chemistry Mark as Favorite (55 Favorites)
In this lesson, students will solve a variety of real-world problems using scientific notation. Students will listen to a convoluted radio conversation about coffee which will relate to a math-based problem that this lesson is developed around. Students will begin to recognize the benefits of using scientific notation in their calculations.
Kinetic Molecular Theory, Pressure, Gas Laws, Volume, Temperature, SI Units, Molecular Motion | High School, Middle School
Activity: Simulation Activity: Gas Law Variables Mark as Favorite (5 Favorites)
In this simulation, students investigate variables of a gas. From the computer models, they can see how pressure, temperature, and volume effect gas behavior.
Measurements, SI Units, Accuracy, Introduction | High School
Activity: Mysteriously Melodramatic & Maniacal Metric Measurements Mark as Favorite (52 Favorites)
In this activity, students predict the measurements of objects using metric units. They then take the actual measurements and compare them to their predictions.