AACT Resources for Teaching Chemical Equations Virtually

By Kim Duncan on November 12, 2020

As chemistry teachers around the country are planning activities for both distant and face-to-face learning, AACT will be highlighting resources from our high school resource library that can be used to reinforce topics in different units throughout the school year. Last week we updated our Chemical Names and Formulas unit and we are now moving on to resources that can be used in a unit on chemical equations.

We have a traditional unit plan to help you teach an introductory unit on this topic in our High School library. A list of resources that can be used if you are teaching virtually is shown below.

We hope that these resources can help you to reinforce several of the topics covered in a unit about chemical equations. Most of these lessons were made possible by great teachers who shared their own resources. We need your help to keep the collection growing. Do you have a great demonstration, activity, or lesson related to this topic that you would like to share with the community? Please send it along for consideration.