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51 – 54 of 54 Articles
Resource Feature | November 2015 Q & A with Michael Dayah is one of the first online periodic tables—and one of the most popular. Created years ago when Michael was a high school chemistry student, his ongoing upgrades aim to support teachers of chemistry.
Resource Feature | September 2015 The Chemistry Close Read
High school chemistry teacher Jenelle Ball joins forces with an English teacher and a librarian to successfully implement an English class reading technique in a chemistry class.
Resource Feature | March 2015 Teaching Students the Relevance of Chemistry
Chemistry has had a tremendous impact on history and continues to impact our lives. Learn about activities that emphasize the relevance and importance of chemistry, and enhance students' excitement for learning the subject.
Tech Tips | September 2014 ChemMatters: A Wealth of Information
This article describes ChemMatters and highlights several ways to incorporate the magazine into a high school chemistry curriculum. It also features the Teacher's Guide that accompanies the award-winning magazine by ACS.