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Helping Students Show What They Know – An AACT AP Chemistry Webinar Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

WEBINAR (1 hour 45 minutes) recorded March 07, 2018

Your students have worked hard all year to master the concepts of AP Chemistry. They have slogged through numerous problems, taken many exams, and completed laboratory work. Yet, many of them have trouble “putting it all together” when AP exam time comes. How can we best help them “show what they know”? This is the theme of this AACT AP Chemistry webinar.

In this presentation, we will examine responses to several mock questions actual students have answered in the past several months. Answers to these questions will be enlightening as they will allow us to glean insights on how our students attack both conceptual and quantitative questions. Specifically, we hope also to see misconceptions that students often carry with them even after excellent instruction as well as both strong and weak versions of correct responses. By identifying “red flags” now, AP teachers will still have time in their reviews to remove misconceptions and promote clear presentation from their students when May finally arrives. Time will also be allotted to get suggestions on how to review those particularly thorny concepts for both teachers and students.

Please join us for this presentation and discussion!

Presenter: Paul Price
Date: March 7, 2018