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Teaching Methods and Resources for Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) 2018 Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

WEBINAR (1 hour) recorded April 11, 2018

Join AACT and the ACS in celebrating marine chemistry during the upcoming Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) campaign with the theme, “Dive into Marine Chemistry.”

How does high school chemistry teacher, Michael Morgan, with a background in chemical physics, suddenly (or maybe not so suddenly) end up teaching marine sciences in his chemistry classes? Learn about the odd path he took to incorporate topics from marine sciences, earth sciences, and even a little bit of biology into his chemistry classes. The webinar will feature the roles of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) and the National Science Bowl (NSB). Surfing, scuba diving, sailboat racing, and an ill placed Olympic dream will all be part of the story.

You will also learn about the educational resources ACS provides for this year’s CCEW celebration. More information at www.acs.org/ccew
