Classroom Resources: Solutions

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51 – 75 of 136 Classroom Resources

  • Molarity, Concentration, Solute & Solvent | High School

    Simulation: Preparing Solutions Mark as Favorite (77 Favorites)

    In this simulation, students will complete a calculation in order to determine either the molarity of solution, volume of solution, or mass of solute needed. Additionally the associated particle diagram for the solution will be displayed to help students better visualize the solution at the particulate level. Finally, students will gain familiarity with the proper lab techniques for preparing a solution as they are lead through a step-by-step animated process demonstrating this procedure.

  • Molarity, Concentration, Solute & Solvent | High School

    Activity: Simulation Activity: Preparing Solutions Mark as Favorite (32 Favorites)

    In this simulation, students will complete a calculation in order to determine the value of an unknown variable related to a described solution and then they will observe an animation of the solution being prepared. The calculation will require the student to determine either the molarity of solution, volume of solution, or mass of solute needed. Additionally the associated particle diagram for the solution will be displayed to help students better visualize the solution at the particulate level. Finally, students will gain familiarity with the proper lab techniques for preparing a solution as they are lead through a step-by-step animated process demonstrating this procedure. The simulation is designed as a five question quiz for students to use multiple times.

  • Balancing Equations, Classification of Reactions, Chemical Change, Identifying an Unknown, Molarity, Concentration | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: An Environmental Impact Study Mark as Favorite (75 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will test a water sample which comes from a local zoo, where, it is reported that many bird eggs are not hatching. Students will test the water for the presence of multiple ions. Once the type of ion in the water is determined, students will write balanced equations to illustrate their findings. Students will also conduct a serial dilution to determine the concentration, or molarity, of the ion in the water sample. This molarity will be compared to known values to determine if the materials in the water are at an unhealthy level.

  • Density, Concentration, Solute & Solvent | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Test Tube Challenge Mark as Favorite (45 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will be challenged to create a density column, consisting of three distinct layers of sugar-water solution. This is an inquiry lab, where the students must apply their understanding of density and concentration in order to devise a successful plan for creating the column correctly.

  • Concentration, Solute & Solvent, Solubility | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Saturated Solutions: An Engagement Activity Mark as Favorite (18 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will observe salt dissolving in water and participate in a think-pair-share activity using teacher-led questions. It is intended to be an introduction to solutions, particularly saturation.

  • Acid & Base Theories, Strong vs Weak, Indicators, Titrations, Buffers, Concentration, Molarity, Net Ionic Equation | High School

    Lesson Plan: Acids and Bases Unit Plan Mark as Favorite (56 Favorites)

    The AACT high school classroom resource library and multimedia collection has everything you need to put together a unit plan for your classroom: lessons, activities, labs, projects, videos, simulations, and animations. We constructed a unit plan using AACT resources that is designed to teach the topic of acids and bases to your students.

  • Classification of Reactions, Balancing Equations, Solubility Rules, Activity Series, Predicting Products | High School

    Simulation: Predicting Products Mark as Favorite (135 Favorites)

    In this simulation, students will reference an activity series and a solubility chart to accurately predict the products of single replacement and double replacement chemical reactions. Associated particle diagrams will be displayed to help students better comprehend the reaction at the particulate level. Students will also be asked to balance the chemical equation. The simulation is designed as a five question quiz for students to use multiple times.

  • Classification of Reactions, Balancing Equations, Solubility Rules, Activity Series, Predicting Products | High School

    Activity: Simulation Activity: Predicting Products Mark as Favorite (64 Favorites)

    In this simulation, students will reference an activity series and a solubility chart to accurately predict the products of single replacement and double replacement chemical reactions. Associated particle diagrams will be displayed to help students better comprehend the reaction at the particulate level. Students will also be asked to balance the chemical equation. The simulation is designed as a five question quiz for students to use multiple times.

  • Solubility, Solute & Solvent, Intermolecular Forces, Covalent Bonding, Polarity, Intermolecular Forces | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: T-Shirt Chromatography Mark as Favorite (45 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will learn about solubility, saturation, polarity, and intermolecular forces through chromatography techniques.

  • Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Reaction Rate, Solubility | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Analyzing the Reaction between Baking Soda and Citric Acid Mark as Favorite (45 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will examine the reaction between citric acid and baking soda. They will analyze the chemical equation, balance it and calculate needed quantities of each reactant for a complete reaction. Based on their observations, students will determine if all reactants were completely used during the reaction.

  • Stoichiometry, Beer's Law | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Aspirin Synthesis and Spectroscopy Analysis Mark as Favorite (10 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will synthesize aspirin and analyze the end product using spectroscopy by applying Beer’s Law.

  • Solubility, Solute & Solvent, Molarity, Solubility Rules, Net Ionic Equation, Intermolecular Forces, Beer's Law | High School

    Lesson Plan: Aqueous Solutions Unit Plan Mark as Favorite (56 Favorites)

    The AACT high school classroom resource library and multimedia collection has everything you need to put together a unit plan for your classroom: lessons, activities, labs, projects, videos, simulations, and animations. We constructed a unit plan using AACT resources that is designed to teach Aqueous Solutions to your students.

  • Solubility, Solute & Solvent, Concentration, Pressure, Temperature | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Exploring Gas Solubility Mark as Favorite (13 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will explore how changes in pressure and temperature affect the solubility of a gas in an aqueous solution. In addition, students will have the opportunity in a post-demonstration reflection activity to practice using data (in this case their demonstration observations) to make evidence based claims.

  • Solubility, Solute & Solvent, Intermolecular Forces | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Advanced Modeling of the Dissolving Phenomenon Mark as Favorite (29 Favorites)

    In this activity students build a model of sodium chloride based on their own knowledge of ionic compounds. Then they construct a model of the interactions between water and their salt model to develop an understanding of what caused the salt to dissolve. After refining their models based upon class discussions and critiques, students then construct a model of the interaction between salt and a different solvent, alcohol. Using their models, students make predictions as to which solvent (water or alcohol) would be better at dissolving the salt. Finally students design an experiment to test their prediction. As an extension, students are asked to use their solubility models to explain why calcium carbonate will not dissolve in water, even though it is also an ionic compound.

  • Solute & Solvent, Intermolecular Forces, Solubility | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Basic Modeling of the Dissolving Phenomenon Mark as Favorite (51 Favorites)

    In this activity, students explore the process of salt dissolving in water using cut-outs of ions and water molecules to model interactions between them. They then use their model to make a prediction about the relative solubility of salt in isopropyl alcohol compared to the solubility in water and design an experiment to test their prediction.

  • Classification of Reactions, Chemical Change, Solubility Rules, Net Ionic Equation | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Precipitation Reaction Mark as Favorite (45 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will observe a precipitation reaction. Students will create several particle diagrams in order to describe and fully understand what is occurring on the atomic level during the chemical reaction.

  • Salts, Indicators, Strong vs Weak, Net Ionic Equation | High School

    Lab: Hydrolysis of Salts Mark as Favorite (16 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will observe the hydrolysis of several salt samples. They will first predict which solutions are acidic, basic or neutral, and then discover the pH of each through the use of indicators. Students will share and compile their experimental results, as well as have an opportunity to determine the net-ionic equations for each reaction.

  • Classification of Reactions, Balancing Equations, Stoichiometry, Redox Reaction, Net Ionic Equation | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Inquiry Redox Investigation Mark as Favorite (37 Favorites)

    In this lab, students perform a simple redox reaction using an iron nail and copper(II) chloride solution. They will consider both quantitative and qualitative data collected during the reaction in order to attempt to explain what happened. Students will also create particle diagrams and determine mole ratios of various species in the reaction.

  • Acid & Base Theories, Concentration | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Calculating pH, A Look at Logarithms Mark as Favorite (52 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will be introduced to a base-10 logarithmic scale and use it to calculate pH from hydrogen ion concentration. Often students are able to calculate pH by pushing the correct buttons on their calculators, but they don’t understand what the values mean. This lesson attempts to bridge that gap using a guided inquiry model.

  • Freezing Point Depression, Mixtures, Phase Changes, Freezing Point, Melting Point | High School, Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: How does Salt "Melt" Ice? Mark as Favorite (52 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will consider why salt is used to aide in snow clearing and to help keep icy roads safe. They will investigate how salt ‘melts’ ice and determine the best type of salt to do so. Additionally, students will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the various different types of salt.

  • Intermolecular Forces, Intermolecular Forces, Physical Change | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Intermolecular Forces & Physical Properties Mark as Favorite (67 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students observe and compare the properties of surface tension, beading, evaporation, and miscibility for water and acetone.

  • Molarity, Concentration, Molality | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Particle Level Molarity Mark as Favorite (88 Favorites)

    In this activity, students are introduced to molarity at the particle level. Students will activate their prior knowledge by demonstrating their understanding of concentration by preparing several Kool-Aid drinks, and then applying that information at the particle level to various models.

  • Concentration, Beer's Law, Electromagnetic Spectrum | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Using Color to Identify an Unknown Mark as Favorite (14 Favorites)

    In this lesson students will utilize spectrophotometry to identify the wavelength of maximum absorbance for a food dye. They will also generate a Beer's Law Standard Curve, and utilize their skills to identify the different dyes and their concentrations in an unknown mixture. The lesson culminates with an extension to utilizing a similar method in color matching paint.

  • Solubility Rules, Chemical Change, Redox Reaction, Precipitate, Reaction Rate, Reduction, Oxidation | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Removing Copper Stains from Masonry Mark as Favorite (9 Favorites)

    In this lab, students investigate the use of milk of magnesia poultice to remove copper stains on masonry in copper architecture. They use chalk as the model for masonry, copper(II) chloride solution as a model for soluble copper and a freshly prepared slurry of copper phosphate as a model for a hard stain of copper on masonry. Through a series of investigations students have the opportunity to connect chemistry topics with real-world applications, such as environmental hazards, engineering practices of copper architecture, corrosion control, and structural protection.

  • Electron Configuration, Precipitate, Balancing Equations, Electrons, Valence Electrons, Solubility Rules, Classification of Reactions | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Transition Metals Color the World Mark as Favorite (69 Favorites)

    In this lesson students will complete a series of double replacement reactions to form precipitates. The precipitates will be used as a pigment to create paint.

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