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Game Activity: Activity Series Game Mark as Favorite (3 Favorites)
ACTIVITY in Chemical Change, Atoms, Activity Series, Electron Transfer, Electrons, Electrons, Ions. Last updated December 06, 2024.
In this game, students will explore the activity series of metals by observing interactions between metals and metal ions. The game starts with a brief tutorial followed by a “capture the flag” game where students “steal” electrons based on the activity series. Then students play a pong-style game based on reactivity to earn points. Finally, there are two extension activities for students to view videos of real-world reactions and create particle models of these reactions.
Grade Level
High School
NGSS Alignment
This game will help prepare your students to meet the performance expectations in the following standards:
- HS-PS1-2: Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.
- Scientific and Engineering Practices:
- Developing and Using Models
By the end of this game, students should be able to:
- Interpret the activity series of metals to determine which metal is more reactive.
- Predict whether a reaction will occur based on the activity series of metals.
Chemistry Topics
This game supports students’ understanding of:
- Chemical reactions
- Electrochemistry
- Activity series
- Electron transfer
- Ions
Teacher Preparation: minimal
Lesson: 30 minutes
- Student handout
- Device connected to the Internet
- Access to game: https://teachchemistry.org/classroom-resources/activity-series-game
- No specific safety precautions need to be observed for this activity.
Teacher Notes
- Many thanks to Steve Sogo, retired chemistry teacher from Laguna Beach High School, for creating this game and sharing it with the chemistry education community.
- The game can be found at the following link (note that students can access the game without an AACT login):
- In this game, students will explore the activity series of metals and are tasked with applying their understanding of it in order to be successful. They will be presented with a variety of scenarios in which they have to select a metal that will “steal” electrons from another metal based on their relative reactivities (provided in the form of an activity series).
- Note that this game describes metals as “weaker” (top of the activity series) and “stronger” (bottom of the activity series). This refers to how strongly the metals hold on to their electrons relative to one another: the “weaker” metals don’t hold on to their electrons very strongly and are the “more reactive” metals because they are more likely to lose electrons to form ions/compounds. Similarly, metals at the bottom of the list have a “stronger” hold on their electrons and are “less reactive” because they are less likely to lose electrons to form ions/compounds.
- Some of the questions in the student handout help students make the connection between these various ways of talking about relative reactivity, since they may encounter both the “weaker”/“stronger” and “more reactive”/“less reactive” categorizations.
- The extension portions of the game have students view real-world videos of reactions taking place and make models based on what they learned from the first two sections of the game.
- This game can be beneficial for students at any level – students should have some understanding of chemical reactions and atomic structure, but it does not require prior electrochemistry knowledge.
- This game would fit well at any point in an electrochemistry unit, particularly when first introducing the concept of redox reactions and electron transfer. Other AACT resources that would complement this game include:
- Simulation: Metals in Aqueous Solutions
- Lab: Activity Series of Unknown Metals
- Lab: Investigating the Activity Series of Metals
- Project: Wastewater Recovery
- This game and the above resources could provide a good foundation before lessons on galvanic/voltaic cells, electrolysis and electrolytic cells, redox reactions and half reactions, and other related electrochemistry topics.
- If using this game later in an electrochemistry unit, consider having students write half reactions and net ionic equations for the reactions shown in the game.
- This game could also be used in combination with other games and multimedia resources as a fun way to review concepts relating to ionic compounds and their reactions:
- Game: Matchmaker: Ionic Bonding – ionic compound names and formulas
- Game: Precipitation Reactions Game – solubility rules and precipitation reactions
- Simulation: Predicting Products – apply activity series and solubility knowledge
- Note that the focus of this game is on helping students understand the activity series and the relative reactivity of metals, not the stoichiometry of these reactions. Metal ions are shown taking electrons from less reactive metal atoms without accounting for the stoichiometry involved in the electron transfers.
- Most of the ions used in the game have a 2+ charge, so it would be a 1:1 exchange – one Cu2+ ion takes two electrons from one Fe atom to form Fe2+, for instance.
- Silver is the only ion with a 1+ charge in this game. When silver ions take electrons from other metals, the animations in the game show this happening with just one silver ion coming into contact with the other metal atom. In reality, two silver ions would be required to remove two electrons from another metal to form a 2+ ions, but the general outcome – silver ions gaining electrons and becoming atoms, other metals losing electrons and becoming ions – should be the focus.
- If students notice this stoichiometry mismatch, it could be a great opportunity to discuss limitations of models.
- The game contains several different interactive modes to help students visualize what is happening on a particulate level when a metal ion reacts with another metal atom:
- Tutorial:
- The tutorial introduces students to some of the basic electrochemistry terms and concepts that will be used throughout the game, including ions, atoms, electron transfer, and the activity series.
- Game 1 – Capture the Flag:
- Students use an activity series to select a metal that will “defeat” the computer opponent’s metal by stealing its electrons. An animation shows moving ions and stationary metal atoms until one of the ions takes the electrons from the opposing metal. A slow-motion animation of electrons being transferred from a metal atom to a different metal ion is shown as well. There are three rounds, and the player has three metals to choose from, but once a metal is used, it cannot be used again. The metals for the computer opponent and the player do not change.
- Game 1 Bonus Round – Capture the Flag Duel:
- The gameplay is the same as the previous section, except that the computer’s metals and the player’s metal choices are randomized and players continue playing and earning points until they lose. Each time they beat the computer’s metal, they earn 25 points, and a bonus 25 points when they use all three metals and complete one round. More points will earn a better medal (silver, gold, or platinum). Students have three “upgrade tokens” that can upgrade any of their metal choices to silver if none of their remaining options will beat the computer.
- Game 2 – Breakout:
- Students use a paddle to bounce ions toward metal atoms in this pong-style game. Students will eliminate the atoms and earn points if their ion hits a metal atom that it would steal electrons from (is higher on the activity series). They earn more points for atoms that are harder to steal electrons from. (Ex: a magnesium atom is only worth 5 points, since any of the other metal ions could steal its electrons, but a copper atom is worth 25 points since only silver or gold ions could steal its electrons.) If students earn enough points, they will move to the next round. Based on their total points between all three rounds, students can earn a silver, gold, or platinum medal.
- Extension: Model a Mystery Electron Transfer Reaction:
- In this extension activity, a timelapse video of a penny in a clear solution is shown, where white crystals form on the surface of the penny. Students are then asked to make a model of the reaction by selecting ions or atoms for the various substances that are involved in the reaction. As they saw in the previous sections of this game, students should recognize that charged ions can move through solution while solid metal atoms are stationary. They will also apply knowledge of the activity series of metals to determine which ions could take electrons from the copper of the penny. (See the note on the previous page about the model in this game focusing on reactivity and not stoichiometry, as this applies here as well.)
- Extension: Model Copper Sulfate + Zinc Reaction:
- Similar to the first extension activity, a timelapse video is shown, this time of zinc metal in a copper(II) sulfate solution. The model used in this game accounts for the presence of water molecules and the role they play in separating ions in solution. It is the same type of model used in the “Matchmaker: Ionic Bonding” game where cations have one concave area for each missing electron and anions have one convex area for each extra electron. Students earn points for each copper ion that reacts with a zinc atom and the amount of time remaining. Zinc atoms are shown losing two electrons to become zinc ions, and each zinc atom that transfers its electrons to copper makes one copper ion into a copper atom.
- Tutorial:
- The student handout is divided into three parts:
- Part 1 should be completed prior to beginning the game as it introduces students to vocabulary and concepts related to the activity series of metals.
- Part 2 should be completed after playing the game as it challenges the students to answer similar types of questions, but without the visual aid provided in the game. These questions will help to ensure that students can interpret and apply the activity series to a variety of scenarios.
- The final “Challenge” portion of the student handout provides several questions to help students think more broadly about reactivity in real-world contexts. There are multiple questions provided, and teachers can choose which (if any) they would like to include for their students.
- An Answer Key document is available for teacher reference.
For the Student
Activity Series Game
Part 1
Answer the following questions before playing the game.
- Define the terms below:
- Ion
- Atom
- Electron transfer
- Activity Series
- Based on your experience, list one metal that you think is likely to be relatively reactive with other elements and justify your answer.
- Based on your experience, list one metal that you think is likely to be relatively non-reactive with other elements and justify your answer.
Part 2
Play the game that can be found at:
Answer the following questions after playing the game.
- The activity series in this game only used a subset of common metals. Based on the clues given below, add the unknown metals to the correct empty space in the partial activity series to the right.
- Unknown A can steal electrons from magnesium but not zinc
- Unknown B can steal electrons from copper
- Magnesium can steal electrons from Unknown C
- Any element on the list can steal electrons from Unknown D
- Unknown E can steal electrons from Unknown A, but not iron
- Unknown F can steal electrons from Unknown E, but not Unknown B
- Look up a published activity series from a reliable source (such as a textbook). Use this to suggest a possible identity below for each of the unknown metals. (There may be more than one possibility depending on how many metals are included in the activity series you reference, and you may need to consult more than one source because they don’t all include every metal.)
- Unknown A:
- Unknown B:
- Unknown C:
- Unknown D:
- Unknown E:
- Unknown F:
- The activity series in the game labels the top of the list of metals as “weaker” and the bottom of the list as “stronger,” referencing how strong of a hold they have on their electrons. Another way chemists describe these metals is as “more reactive” and “less reactive.” More reactive metals tend to lose electrons and form compounds more often than less reactive metals.
- Are the elements on the top of the activity series “more reactive” or “less reactive”? Explain.
- Gold is at the bottom of the activity series. Is it the most reactive or least reactive element on the list?
- Below are listed several pairs of metals and their corresponding ions. Assuming the metals and solutions containing their ions are placed in the same container, circle which metal atom will lose electrons:
- Pb/Pb2+ and Ni/Ni2+
- Cu/Cu2+ and Ag/Ag+
- Co/Co2+ and Zn/Zn2+
- Sn/Sn2+ and Cu/Cu2+
- Mg/Mg2+ and Fe/Fe2+
- Co/Co2+ and Pb/Pb2+
- Are the metals you circled in the question above the more reactive or less reactive metals in each pair of metals? Explain.
Challenge: Going further
Using your knowledge of reactivity to attempt to answer the following questions:
- List two real-world scenarios where a reactive metal would be useful, and two where a non-reactive metal would be useful.
- List at least three other properties of metals, besides reactivity, that would be important to consider before deciding which metal to use for any real-world application.
- There were several “ages” in human history named after metals. Research two of these ages and describe why these metals were so important that that period of time was named after them.
- Throughout human history, people have discovered ways to alter the properties of metals to make them better suited for specific tasks.
- Research the process of alloying – what is an alloy, why are alloys useful, and what are two examples of alloys used in everyday life?
- Research the process of plating – how does plating work, why is it used, and what are two examples where plating is used in everyday life?