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51 – 75 of 226 Webinars
September 15, 2022 | Teaching Resources STEAM: Using Paint to Teach Stoichiometry and Solutions Mark as Favorite (8 Favorites)
Key components of a unit design that uses paint as a framework to learn stoichiometry and solutions will be shared. The unit uses three main checkpoints to weave the paint theme throughout before culminating in a lab experience where students make their own paint to use in a class mural. Attendees of this session will be introduced to the flow of this unit, as well as the format of each checkpoint activity and the final lab component.
August 31, 2022 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources, Technology Incorporating the En-ROADS Climate Simulator into your Teaching Practice Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Modeling is a powerful tool for teaching complex systems. Learn about the MIT En-ROADS climate simulator and how to incorporate it into your science classes.
May 19, 2022 | Teaching Resources All About the ChemClub Program Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Participating in the ChemClub program is one of the newest benefits of AACT membership. This program supports teachers who sponsor extracurricular chemistry clubs in their school. Through involvement in ChemClub students have a unique opportunity to experience chemistry beyond the classroom. Traditionally, hundreds of high school clubs across the United States and abroad have participated in the ChemClub program each year. But we’re excited to share that we are piloting the expansion of ChemClub to middle schools for the 2022-2023 school year. ChemClub provides students with the opportunity to participate in after-school activities, get involved in community building, learn about chemistry careers, enjoy social events, and better understand how chemistry plays a role in our everyday lives. Join us to learn about how this program can benefit both teachers and students!
May 04, 2022 | Teaching Resources Science Coaches Program 2022–2023 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Do you want to make connections with chemists in your community? Bring real-world chemistry to your classroom? Help students see how they can turn their interest in chemistry into a fulfilling career? The Science Coaches Program can help you do all these things - and more! The Science Coaches Program is a joint ACS and AACT educational outreach initiative dedicated to enhancing science skills in students across the United States. The program partners coaches (volunteer chemists) with AACT teacher members in elementary, middle, or high schools so they can collaborate on projects throughout the school year and provides teachers with a Flinn Scientific gift certificate to help fund their projects. Join us in this webinar to learn more about the program benefits and requirements, and how to get involved!
April 21, 2022 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources How to Use ChemMatters in the Classroom Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)
So, you have your ChemMatters subscription—now, how do you use it? By weaving chemistry concepts into real-world stories, the magazine provides students with critical a-ha moments that connect concepts to applications. Join middle school teacher Laura Celik and high school chemistry teacher Scott Hawkins during this webinar to learn tools and tricks for using articles with your students. Editor Christine Suh will also be on hand to point out additional online resources that will help you take full advantage of your subscription.
April 06, 2022 | Teaching Methods Using Storytelling to Advance Equity in Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Come hear about a strategy for highlighting the work of underrepresented chemists by telling the human stories behind molecules and compounds. Learn how to weave storytelling into your teaching to engage your students, enrich your lesson plans, and celebrate the achievements of all.
March 16, 2022 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Where to Start: Integrating Sustainability Into Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
From ocean plastic to forest fires, our world need invention, innovation and creativity within chemistry education. Green chemistry, also known as the science of solutions, offers a framework for decreasing hazards within classrooms while promoting sustainability for both human health and the environment. Unpack 2 lesson plans where sustainable science integrates into traditional lesson and labs. Whether you are new to thinking about sustainability in the classroom, or have already implemented green chemistry lesson plans, we want you to join us. Join this discussion forum, including a Q and A with 12 teachers all exploring how green chemistry can fit into their classrooms. Together, we will create a community of Green Chemistry educators.
March 02, 2022 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Bringing Climate Change to Your Chemistry Classroom Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)
Students want to know more about climate change! Learn how to incorporate climate topics into your existing science courses, or create a new climate science elective at your own school. Topics will include heat transfer, the atmosphere, the ocean (including salinity and acidification), the carbon cycle, radiation balance, radiative forcing and feedbacks, historical climate proxies, thermal expansion, and energy resources.
February 24, 2022 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources AACT Office Hours Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)
Are you new to the K–12 chemistry classroom? Are you looking for suggestions from other teachers about resources, content, or something else? Join us for Office Hours, a virtual meetup for teachers of chemistry. Led by experienced teachers via Zoom, the event will be an opportunity for open conversation with a small group of fellow teachers to discuss strategies and trade tips about classroom resources, teaching methods, and more. To support free-flowing conversations, registration for this event will be limited.
February 09, 2022 | Technology LabXchange: Free Personalized Learning for the Chemistry Classroom Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)
LabXchange is a groundbreaking online platform for science education that supports personalized learning and differentiation. In this webinar, Massachusetts chemistry and biology teachers Mary Liu, Debora O’Reilly, and David Welty will show how they combine resources from the extensive LabXchange content library with their own materials to create customized learning pathways for their students. Created at Harvard University with support from the Amgen Foundation, LabXchange makes high-quality science education accessible, connects learning to careers, and gives everyone, everywhere, the opportunity to chart a path in science—for free.
November 04, 2021 | Teaching Methods Becoming a JEDI Master: Perspectives from Teacher Leaders on How to foster Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
The Einstein Fellowship brings K-12 STEM educators together to serve in Federal agencies or in U.S. Congressional offices to shape the conversation around STEM at a national level. During this webinar, Jill Latchana will lead a discussion where Einstein Fellows and alumni will share their methods of fostering justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the classroom.
October 27, 2021 | Teaching Methods Empowering Youth through Culturally Sustaining Science Curriculum Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
In this presentation two scientist-educator-researchers investigate the development and implementation of a culturally sustaining science curriculum. High school students participated in an independent project focused on chemistry and social justice. These activities were aligned with the culturally sustaining framework in the following five ways: content centered in the Next Generation Science Standards 3D framework, centering and following students’ interests, challenging the status quo by focusing on students as experts, sustaining student agency through artifacts and products that students chose and iteratively developed, and multi-modal assessments.
October 13, 2021 | Teaching Methods, Advanced Chemistry Beyond Bohr: Replacing the Bohr Atomic Model with an Accessible Picture of How Atoms and Light Interact Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)
Many students retain substantial inaccuracies and misconceptions about the nature of atoms, even after completing multiple years of chemistry education. Some of the most resilient misconceptions relating to atomic structure involve electron particles moving on a set path – like planets in an orbit or in orbiting shells. Most of these misconceptions arise from classical analogies and misleading metaphors used in instruction and textbooks, including teaching the Bohr model first and foremost. Instead of the traditional (historical) approach to teaching atomic structure, we follow an alternative approach to teaching introductory students about light-matter interactions at the atomic level that avoids introducing deprecated and inaccurate models, meets all of the traditional learning outcomes (and more), yet does not rely on an overly mathematical approach.
September 22, 2021 | Advanced Chemistry, Teaching Resources Lessons Learned from the 2021 AP Chemistry Exam Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Chief Reader Kyle A. Beran will describe the genesis of the 2021 AP Chemistry Exam. The presentation will provide a detailed analysis of 20 questions from this year’s exam, explaining the rationale behind the questions and the policies for scoring them accurately and fairly. Kyle will share common misconceptions and errors from these responses and make suggestions on how they can lead to improvements in teaching and learning AP Chemistry. He will also provide information on how to become an AP Chemistry Reader.
September 15, 2021 | Teaching Resources AACT Resources and Open House 2021 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Join AACT President, Greta Glugoski-Sharp, Immediate Past President, Jesse Bernstein, and President-Elect, Matt Perekupka, as they guide participants on a virtual tour through the AACT website. The website (teachchemistry.org) and all resources will be unlocked during the webinar so that attendees can follow along with the presenters and see all of the classroom materials available to AACT members. The website will remain unlocked until 8:00 pm on Wednesday, September 16. Everyone who attends the webinar and takes the post-webinar survey will be entered into a raffle for a free one-year membership. This prize can be used for a new membership or a membership renewal.
August 26, 2021 | Teaching Methods Fall 2021 Virtual Chemistry Teacher Program Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Join us for a virtual chemistry teacher program! Typically held as part of the ACS national meeting, we will be offering this special event virtually. James Bryant Conant Award Winner Shea Wickelson will reflect on her career and offer special insights and wisdom. We’ll then host a brief interview with AACT President Greta Glugoski-Sharp, before spending some networking time in breakout groups and closing the event with a raffle.
July 29, 2021 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Best of ChemEd 2021 | Thursday Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Session 3 of 3
Together ChemEd 2023 and 2025 committees are organizing the “Best of ChemEd” symposium with the help of AACT. Engaging sessions each day along with social events will highlight what ChemEd is all about – a community of chemistry teachers sharing ideas, resources and successes.
July 28, 2021 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Best of ChemEd 2021 | Wednesday | George R Hague Jr AP Chemistry Symposium Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Session 2 of 3
In the Best of ChemEd session, the focus will be on the results of the 2021 AP Chemistry Exam. The Chief Reader and Chief Reader Designate will present the results of the 2021 AP Chemistry Exam. They will describe current practices in exam development and scoring, with an emphasis on specific content areas and skills that were tested on the free-response section.
July 27, 2021 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Best of ChemEd 2021 | Tuesday Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Session 1 of 3
Together ChemEd 2023 and 2025 committees are organizing the “Best of ChemEd” symposium with the help of AACT. Engaging sessions each day along with social events will highlight what ChemEd is all about – a community of chemistry teachers sharing ideas, resources, and successes.
May 13, 2021 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Using Sustainability to Foster Equity in Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
In this time of momentous change and planetwide introspection, teachers look to their curricula to determine how it meets the needs of today’s self-aware students.Curious how sustainability and equity can fit into your standards? Wondering how to talk about big issues within a limited timeframe? There is an opportunity to bridge science and sustainability in new ways to invite your students into conversations around equity, environmental justice, and green chemistry. Scott Carlson, a New York City teacher and Green Chemistry leader, has been doing this in his classroom for years. He brings his students into the conversation using relatable materials in labs, discussing the inequities in science, and inviting collaboration with hands-on green chemistry labs. While transitioning back and forth from virtual to in-person teaching, Scott utilizes COVID examples and critical thinking challenges to promote student collaboration and exploration. Scott will share ready-to-use direct-to-student examples and lesson plans. Listen to him share his solutions to using science to talk about social science, and how chemistry plays a role in communication complex concepts.
May 05, 2021 | Teaching Resources "Why do we have to learn this?” Making real-world chemistry connections with the Science Coaches Program Mark as Favorite (3 Favorites)
Do you have those students who always want to know what chemistry could possibly have to do with their lives? Or maybe your students are interested in chemistry but aren’t sure how they could turn that into a career. Perhaps you want to develop inquiry-based labs with real-world applications, or activities to get your elementary students excited about science. Maybe you want to feel more connected to the larger chemistry community. Whatever your interest, the Science Coaches Program has something for you! The Science Coaches Program is a joint ACS and AACT educational outreach initiative dedicated to enhancing science skills in students across the United States. The program partners coaches (volunteer chemists) with AACT teacher members in elementary, middle, and high schools so they can collaborate on projects throughout the school year. Join us to learn more about how the program can benefit you and your students and how to apply. Presenter: Monica Wixon, Science Coaches Program Specialist, American Chemical Society Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 7:00 pm ET
April 15, 2021 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Spring 2021 Virtual Chemistry Teacher Program Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Join us for a virtual chemistry teacher program! Typically held as part of the ACS national meeting, we will be offering this special event virtually for the first time. James Bryant Conant Award Winner Michael A. Morgan will reflect on his career and offer special insights and wisdom. We’ll then host a brief interview with AACT President Jesse Bernstein, before spending some networking time in breakout groups, and closing the event with a raffle.
April 13, 2021 | Teaching Resources How to Use ChemMatters with AACT Resources Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
As an AACT member, you might already receive a complimentary subscription to ChemMatters as a member benefit. You now also have access to the entire archive of past ChemMatters issues, dating back to 1983. It’s a treasure trove of articles covering the gamut of chemistry-related topics that will interest your students, from asteroid mining and chocolate chemistry to vaping and zinc pennies. In this webinar, we’ll demonstrate how to search the archives for the articles you’re looking for. We’ll also show you how to find and use AACT resources that are specifically based on ChemMatters articles, so you can use them to help your students make important connections between chemistry concepts and the real world.
March 25, 2021 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Big Questions to Help Your Students be Ready for the AP Chemistry Exam Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)
The 2020-21 school year has been like no other. Remote learning? Check. Hybrid learning? Check. Teacher insanity? A definite check! With so many different modalities for instruction, how can we best help our students feel prepared for the 2021 AP Chemistry Exam? Join veteran AP educators Paul Price and Linda Cummings as they present cross-cutting, integrated problems that can help students address if they are ready for the “Big Questions” of AP Chemistry. Regardless of the environment you find yourself in, these questions will help students make connections between topics that can be so difficult as we enter review season. In addition, general questions about the 2021 administration and reading will be answered. We look forward to seeing you on March 25th!
March 11, 2021 | Teaching Methods, Technology Exploring Collaboration Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Whether face to face or virtual, facilitating collaboration and encouraging students to engage in discourse can be challenging! In this webinar, we'll explore some tools to help support this work but, more importantly, we'll dive into the aspects of collaboration and how to create space for these factors in your own classroom setting. Come prepared to engage with your colleagues, share your ideas, and develop a plan for implementation.
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