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101 – 125 of 226 Webinars
July 07, 2020 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry, Technology Virtual Summer Symposium: Simulations to Enhance Chemical Instruction Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
In order to gain understanding of chemical principles, students need to be exposed to concepts in multiple ways. Some simulations can be used to help students visualize chemistry at the particle level while others can be used to model laboratory procedures. In this symposia, various online simulations and accompanying lesson ideas will be shared that are versatile for both in person and online instruction.
May 12, 2020 | Teaching Resources How to create a 5E reading lesson using ChemMatters Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Science teachers are being asked to incorporate more reading and writing into their lessons to support the development of students’ literacy. Toward this goal, teachers can use magazine articles that connect science concepts to the real world. In this session, we will explain how you can develop engaging 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate) lesson plans based on articles in ChemMatters magazine or other media.
May 06, 2020 | Teaching Resources Science Coaches 2020 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Science Coaches is a joint ACS and AACT educational outreach initiative dedicated to enhancing science skills in students across the United States. The program partners coaches (volunteer chemists) with AACT teacher members in elementary, middle, and high schools.
April 28, 2020 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Laying the Groundwork: Supporting Potential AP & IB Students in an NGSS Course Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
It can be daunting. There is not a lot of traditional chemistry in the NGSS upon which to build an entire Chemistry course, certainly, many traditional topics are not explicitly mentioned in the standards. Many of us teachers are at different points in our understanding of what the NGSS are and what they represent and I have heard from many teachers who are asking for help and guidance.
April 21, 2020 | Advanced Chemistry Scoring AP Chemistry Free Response Questions – An AP Chemistry Mock Reading Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
In this webinar, you will experience how Readers are trained to score FRQs. Participants will be trained on the rubric for Question 1 from the 2018 AP Chemistry Operational Exam. Once trained, you will score actual student responses. Then we will go over which points would have been awarded at the Reading. By scoring a variety of student responses, you will see that the way students respond can make it easier, or harder, for the Reader to award points. And through this experience, you will gain confidence in your FRQ scoring abilities.
April 15, 2020 | Teaching Resources Brilliant idea: Einstein-Perspectives from Teacher Leaders on How to Build an Online Collaborative Learning Environment Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship brings K-12 STEM educators together from across the country to tap into their experiences to shape and lead the conversation around STEM at a national level. During this webinar, Jill Latchana will lead a discussion where Einstein Fellows and alumni will share their methods for building successful online learning environments that foster collaboration.
April 09, 2020 | Teaching Resources Chemistry in Context: A Citizen-First Approach to Foster Student Engagement and Motivation Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Students are the next generation of citizens who will need to deal with the consequences of today’s global challenges (i.e., climate change, air and water quality, nutrition). As such, all students need to understand basic chemistry principles to gauge the accuracy of media reports. In this webinar, we will present a strategy to introduce fundamental chemistry concepts through a context-first approach using the ACS textbook Chemistry in Context. With chemistry principles woven into discussions on a need-to-know basis, students can easily grasp how chemistry influences their everyday lives. We will describe how a variety of media (e.g., videos, simulations, labs, demos) can be used to initiate in-class discussions and assist students with retaining knowledge outside of the classroom.
April 02, 2020 | Teaching Resources The Chemistry Close Read Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
The chemistry close read was first inspired from reading the book, "Readicide: How Schools Are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It", by Kelly Gallagher. Five years later, the enthusiasm for the close read remains. The chemistry close read is an activity that brings relevance, engagement, and content to the chemistry class. This strategy helps students navigate and access challenging chemistry readings as well as introducing them to applications of chemistry. The close reading strategy slows down the reading process, which is helpful for students with little interest or enthusiasm for reading. Join us and learn about the process, hear strategies to help your students increase their science literacy, how to manage grading the close read, and explore a variety of articles that you can use with your chemistry classes.
March 25, 2020 | Teaching Resources Making Chemistry Visible With Magnets Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Come see how Doug Ragan uses his colored magnetic circles and molecule magnets to enhance his students' understanding of the particulate level of chemistry. He is constantly finding new uses for them and they have served him well. Doug has used them to describe everything from simple solid, liquid, gas representations to balancing equations, formula writing, molecule building, and even to help his students write redox half reactions correctly. As Doug shares the many uses of the magnets, he hopes that you too will be able to enhance your lessons and your students’ understanding of chemistry through their use.
March 17, 2020 | Teaching Resources Teaching Climate Change with Chemistry Connections Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)
This presentation will focus on which chemistry topics are essential to learning about climate change. The webinar will also focus on how to make the abstract concrete by integrating modeling and technology in their classrooms.
March 04, 2020 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Helping Students Show What They Know – An AP Chemistry Review Webinar Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Your students have worked hard all year to master the concepts of AP Chemistry. They have slogged through numerous problems, taken many exams, and completed laboratory work. Yet, many of them have trouble “putting it all together” when AP exam time comes. How can we best help them “show what they know”? This is the theme of this AACT AP Chemistry webinar. In this presentation, we will examine responses to several mock questions actual students have answered in the past several months. Answers to these questions will be enlightening as they will allow us to glean insights on how our students attack both conceptual and quantitative questions. Specifically, we hope also to see misconceptions that students often carry with them even after excellent instruction as well as both strong and weak versions of correct responses. By identifying “red flags” now, AP teachers will still have time in their reviews to remove misconceptions and promote clear presentation from their students when May finally arrives. Time will also be allotted to get suggestions on how to review those particularly thorny concepts for both teachers and students. Please join us for this presentation and discussion!
February 26, 2020 | Teaching Resources Student Opportunities from the American Chemical Society (ACS) Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Learn about opportunities for the students in your classroom, including Chemistry Olympiad, Project SEED, and other programs from the American Chemical Society. The presenters will offer information on eligibility, getting started, and more.
February 19, 2020 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Teaching Chemistry in a Textbookless Classroom Mark as Favorite (3 Favorites)
In this webinar, the focus will be on how to gather resources, share those resources with students, and help students to see the flow of a course in a textbookless classroom. Different methods will be highlighted, including the use of LMS platforms, free online textbooks, and videos and simulations. In addition, techniques using principles of interactive notebooking will be presented.
February 12, 2020 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Teaching Methods and Resources to Help Assess Student Learning Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
This webinar highlights two strategies for formatively assessing students. The first is an exit ticket based on research that indicates students learn more by drawing an image than reading words. The second focuses on note-taking thinking routines devised by Ron Ritchhart, Harvard's Project Zero Principal Investigator. Both are guaranteed to increase understanding of your students and allow them to demonstrate their level of understanding.
February 06, 2020 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Adjusting to Adjunct: Lessons Learned from Teaching High School Chemistry and College Chemistry as Adjunct Faculty Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
This past year, Ryan took an opportunity to work as adjunct chemistry faculty at a local college, while still teaching high school chemistry and AP Chemistry. While he knew to expect some differences between the two, he was surprised by what was different, and what was the same! He will be discussing how his experience has made him look at his teaching practices under a different lens, and how it has helped him develop his pedagogical approach to chemistry content.
January 15, 2020 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Using the Engineering Design Process for Student Success in Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
This webinar will focus on how to leverage the engineering design process, not only to meet the expectations of the NGSS, but also to increase student engagement and success in diverse classrooms. We will explore literature-based examples of engineering design projects that can be used to identify and remediate issues that interest students. Participants will walk away with resources to use in their own classrooms and, hopefully, a new view on using the engineering design process for all students in the chemistry classroom.
December 04, 2019 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry College-level Labs That Can be Done in 50 Minutes or Less Mark as Favorite (4 Favorites)
Do you need college-level labs that don’t take 2-3 hours? In this webinar, Linda Cummings will describe five meaningful labs that take less than 50 minutes each. These labs will cover the topics of kinetics, hydrolysis, entropy, Ka and Ksp and are appropriate for AP/IB classes and general chemistry classes at a college or university.
November 13, 2019 | Teaching Resources Facilitating Productive Discussions About Chemistry in the Classroom Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)
When teachers engage in classroom discourse, student ideas flow quickly. Students share a wide variety of conceptions about chemistry, and teachers need to make quick, in the moment decisions to respond. What should teachers do next in order to make productive use of what students share in order to move their students understanding of chemistry forward? By completing this webinar, participants will enhance their ability to employ these eliciting and advancing teacher moves in a purposeful fashion to strengthen their students understanding of chemistry in their own classrooms.
November 06, 2019 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources Using NGSS Practices to Explore Chemistry Concepts: Arguing from Evidence Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
In their first webinar, Jessica C Levine and Emilie Mosko shared how existing chemistry curriculum can be easily modified towards an NGSS storyline with a groovy phenomenon—the lava lamp. In this webinar, Jessica and Sara Hoofnagle will continue to explore NGSS practices, specifically arguing from evidence.
October 16, 2019 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources Doc Saves Everyone – A Framework for Equilibrium Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)
Equilibrium problems can be straightforward but can quickly escalate in difficulty when applied to solubility and acid-base problems. After working with students to improve the process I have developed a framework I call “DSE”, or the Doc Saves Everyone method. The approach not only addresses the algorithmic skills needed but, more importantly, also helps develop a stronger conceptual understanding. The approach is not necessarily the fastest way to solve the problem, but it does provide a valuable methodology for thinking through complicated chemical systems.
October 09, 2019 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources Modeling Energy in Chemistry Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)
Establishing a common, correct conception of the particle-nature of matter and energy is key to the effective learning of chemistry. This webinar will introduce a curriculum (developed by AACT members) as well as instructional practices to help students develop a particle-level model of energy. Students will build arguments around how energy is transferred between matter via conduction and how changes in energy impact matter. Students will use their models to explain phase changes at the macroscopic level, symbolically through bar graphs and at the particle-level. Lastly, we'll explore how this early foundation lead into quantifying energy, developing the concept of chemical energy and connecting to energy ideas in other science courses.
September 25, 2019 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources Activities and Demonstrations Aligned with the 2019 National Chemistry Week Theme, “Marvelous Metals!” Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Because about 80% of the elements on the periodic table are metals, we should not be surprised that metals are involved in a lot of interesting chemistry! Exploring the properties of metals allows for facile connections to a variety of chemical topics including density, oxidation-reduction reactions, conductivity, and phase changes. In this seminar you will learn how to use familiar, inexpensive, and easy-to-obtain items to explore the physical and chemical properties of metals.
September 18, 2019 | Teaching Resources Leadership and STEM Learning with the Einstein Fellowship 2020 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship brings K-12 STEM educators together from across the country to tap into their experiences to shape and lead the conversation around STEM at a national level. During this webinar, Einstein Fellows and alumni will share their unique experiences they have been granted with fellow educators, discuss what they’ve learned about teacher leadership, and provide some insight into a day in the life of an Einstein Fellow. The application is open from August 12, 2019 through 8:00 pm ET, November 14, 2019
September 12, 2019 | Teaching Resources American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) Resources and Open House – 2019 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
Have you ever wondered about the benefits of being a member of the AACT? Discover how AACT membership can enhance your experience in the chemistry classroom. Join AACT President, Heather Weck, Past-President, Sherri Rukes, and President-Elect, Jesse Bernstein, as they guide participants on a virtual tour the AACT website. All resources will be unlocked during the webinar so that attendees can follow along with the presenters and see all of the valuable classroom materials available to AACT members. This webinar will be particularly valuable to teachers who are considering becoming a member of AACT or members who might not be familiar with all of the classroom resources that are available on teachchemistry.org. It is also a chance for current members to learn about the additions and updates that we have made to our website and member benefits. Everyone that attends the webinar and takes the post webinar survey will be entered into a raffle for a free one-year membership. This prize can be used for a new membership or for a renewal of a current membership.
September 05, 2019 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Lessons Learned from the 2019 AP Chemistry Exam Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)
During this webinar, Paul Bonvallet, Chief Reader, will outline the logistics and scoring process for the 2019 AP Chemistry exam and discuss practices for consistent, fair, and accurate grading of the free-response section. The presentation will then review in detail all the free-response questions from the 2019 AP Chemistry Exam and highlight the most common student misconceptions revealed during the scoring of the test papers.
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